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Devry University has the preferred regional accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Therefore, the coursework and degree you complete through this school will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers.

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Can you transfer to a major university from Devry?

Yes. Devry has the preferred regional accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Therefore, the coursework and degree you complete through this institution will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers.

Is a bachelor's degree from DeVry the same as a bachelor's degree from a 4 year university?

A degree from schools like DeVry or Phoenix generally isn't considered to be as legitimate as one from a state school or other university.

At which accredited schools can I secure a college degree online?

If you want to do it online, I would look into University of Massachusetts, University of Phoenix and DeVry. Other schools can help you with a flexile part time schedule.

Who excepts transfers from Rochville University?

Other accredited colleges and universities accept transfers from Rochville University. However, admission to a university does not depend solely on where you previously studied.

Is Devry a Total Ripoff?

Yes. DeVry is a total ripoff a fraud. DeVry was kicked out of Ontario all three of their schools were closed in the GTA. Greater Toronto Area due to fraudulent and deceptive business practices. DeVry charges 32K a year to attend. Comparable in state tuition would be anywhere from seven thousand to fifteen thousand dollars. Comparable community college tuition is around three thousand. Devry Courses are not transferable. Despite being accredited DeVry courses are rarely if ever accepted by other major universities. So yes Devry is a ripoff a fraud. Do not attend

Does Harvard accept transfer credits?

Only from Harvard summer school. You must petition for all other transfers.

Where can I find an online business management training course?

University of Phoenix is one of the most popular and widely available online schools offering business courses. Other schools such as Ottawa University or DeVry University also have business classes.

What are the names of colleges with online courses?

There are many colleges that offer online courses. The best way to determine what school to look at first, is by your interests and the general direction in which you want to pursue. Schools such as DeVry special training while other schools.

In what means do banks accept deposit?

The different means by which banks accept deposits are:As cash at their branchesAs checks at their branchesAs cash through their ATMsAs checks through their ATMsAs fund transfers from other banks

Where can a person take basic accounting courses online?

Many schools now have online courses in accounting. Some of these schools include University of Phoenix, Devry, and Standford. Other sites that offer accouting courses online include Accounting Coach, and Universal Class.

Where can one earn a graduate level degree in online accounting?

An online accounting degree can be earned at the University of Phoenix. This is an online and/or campus school. Other schools such as DeVry University also offer this program.

What are the three ways that banks accept deposits?

The different ways banks accept deposits are:As cash at their branchesAs checks at their branchesAs cash through their ATMsAs checks through their ATMsAs fund transfers from other banks