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Horses in general do not act any certain way because of their color. A palomino horse is simply a color of horse, not a breed. In the wild, they will act the way any wild horse will act.

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Q: Do palomino horses act different when they are wild?
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Do wild horses act differently to domestic horses?

No. A horse is a horse and behaves like a horse regardless if it's wild, feral or domesticated.

What are the federal laws regarding Nevada's wild horses?

Nevada has federal laws that protect horses. The Free Roaming Horses Act was put into place in 1971 and covers protection and management of wild horses.

Wild horses that were thought to be extincted?

The only true wild horse left in the world is the Przewalski's Pony, which unfortunately is now severely endangered. Unless we act soon and fast, there may not be any wild horses let in the world in the future! :'(

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It's relative and based on personal opinion. Wild is different things to different people and not any one particular act or act(s).

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Horses will often act up and prance about a bit, it is a warning sign that they would use in the wild when bad weather was coming.

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Were can you find wild horses in America?

There are wild horses in the United States living on government land all over the country. There are some in Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, North Carolina, and the Western Plains, such as in Nevada, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, etc.

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How does horses act in a group?

Horses are naturally herd animals, so often enjoy having company. However, some horses have different personalities and prefer being separate from others. But normally horses (especislly wild horses) will establish herd "rankings" that will be stuck to until a growing colt or a rivalling stallion threatens to take over. Male foals will normally have to make their own way from the herd once they are old enough to breed, whereas the females will stay on to later have their own foals.

Are feral horses and wild horses the same?

Within the United States, the only difference between a feral horse and a wild horse is in the legal definition. A feral animal is one in lives in the wild but whose ancestors were once domesticated. By the standard definition of feral, wild horses living on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management are just that - feral. However, the Free Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971 put them into a classification of their own which deems them simply as wild. Ironically, it's possible for a wild horse to step over the thin blue line only seen on a map and suddenly be considered feral.

How do wild black stallions act?

A horses color in no way affects it's behaviour, this is an old wives tale. A truly wild black stallion does not exist as the only true wild horse left is the Przewalski's horse found in the steppes of Central Asia and Russia, they are only found in dun. Feral horses such as Mustangs can come in black, but again, their color does not affect their personality.