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Most people do not hate Mormons, the Osmonds are very popular Mormons singing family. The State of Utah hosted the Winter Olympics a few years ago. Some people do dislike the idea of a man having more than one wife at a time (or the idea of a woman having more than one husband at a time), and some Mormons men have more than one wife. On the whole Mormons who have one spouse at a time are very popular.

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Q: Do people hate Mormons
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How come Mormons hate white people?

They don't. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) don't hate any race. There are over 14 million Mormons coming from every race and nationality. Mormons believe that God is the father and creator of all people and He loves everyone equally - and they believe that we as individuals must love everyone equally as well. The Mormon church was started by white people, and about half of it's membership consists of caucasians from North America, Europe, and Australia/New Zealand.

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Uhm...dude, where did you ever get that idea?!?! The Mormons would never kill...people shouldn't spread crap like that :( Everybody was against Mormons

Can Mormons hate people?

While members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are mortal humans and therefore imperfect and capable of hate, a practicing Mormon follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and therefore shouldn't hate anybody.Jesus taught:"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;" (Matthew 5:44, KJV)"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." (John 13:34, KJV)Mormons believe that all people are beloved children of God, and therefore if a person loves God, they should love all people as God's children and see in them their divine nature. Of course Mormons aren't perfect and have to overcome their natural tendencies of anger and hate just like everyone else, but they do strive to reach the ideal of loving all people.Often what others interpret as 'hate' from a Mormon or other devotely religious person is actually an intolerance for sin, rather than a hatred toward the individual. Many religious people, including Mormons, believe that while you love an individual and wish the best for them, you do not necessarily love or approve of their sinful behavior.

What are Mormons remembered for?

Many people remember Mormons for the pioneer trek in the mid-1800's. This has caused some misconceptions of people thinking that Mormons are similar to the Amish, but modern Mormons do not dress like pioneers or travel in horse-drawn wagons.

What is radical Mormonism?

Radical Mormons are people who are Mormons or share similar beliefs with Mormons, but don't fit in with the mainstream Mormon culture. They are either more liberal or more conservative than most Mormons.

Do people hate people?

Yes, unfortunately. People do hate people.

What is a victim of hate?

a victim of hate is a person who suffers from people who hate on people for no reason

What are people called if they don't like Mormons?

If they don't like Mormons, you would probably call them "bigots". If they don't like the teachings of the Mormon religion, you would call them 'Anti-Mormons'.

Why does everyone hate Mormons?

It is unfortunate that many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are viewed as being judgemental. The church itself teaches that we should show love to all people, to love them unconditionally as God loves them. However, the church also teaches that we should warn people to repent and turn to God. This is a difficult balance for many Mormons, and they are not equipped with the communication skills they need to be able to warn people to repent while still showing love and acceptance. Please be assured that those Mormons who are judgemental are at a personal fault. Being judgemental or discriminatory against others is against the teachings of Jesus Christ and the official doctrines and teachings of the Mormon church. Those Mormons who are judgemental possibly don't realize that their words and actions are offending others. Try to show them respect and patience rather than getting angry, and remind them that Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

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