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In a free-thinking mindset, they could. Platelets are part of the blood that stick together to form clots. That's why you don't bleed after a few minutes of having a cut or scrape (unless you're anemic, meaning you have very few platelets). This layer of protection is a barrier to infection, but in the textbook version, white blood cells are the ones that fight off disease inside the body.

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Q: Do platelets in your blood fight off disease?
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What are blood cells used for?

Blood cells are what they refer to as formed elements. There are three types of them in your blood. There are red ones that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide, the white ones that fight off disease and infection, and then the ones called platelets that help your blood coagulate to stop bleeding.

The chief function of white blood cells is?

to fight off disease

What helps your fight disease?

Your immune system. The healthier your immune system is, the more likely you will be able to fight off infections and diseases. Antibodies are proteins in the blood that fight disease. - DLW

How does the bodys immune system respond to a bacterial infection?

Parts of your body try to fight it off, but if it doesn't you get sick

What do you think the white blood cells do?

white blood cells are part of the immune system. They help fight off bacteria white blood cells fight off infections and disease for example the common cold or aids

What is the name of the liquid blood carries?

The blood is made up of white blood cells, which fight off infections, red blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients, and platelets, which clot cuts, all floating in a liquid called plasma.

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White blood cells are the body's infection-fighting cells. Therefore, they fight against any infection that may affect the heart such as bacterial endocarditis. They attach to the disease and kill them off by either "eating them" (phagocytosis) or by other means.

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Leukemia is a disease that makes your white blood cells, cells that fight off disease, grow abnormally and at a rapid pace.

Cells that prevent the bodys loss of blood?

Your blood cells contain white blood cells that fight off foreign material from entering the body.

What is the blood disease Anemia?

Anemia is when you have a contaminated blood stream and you need to see a doctor to confirm that you have contracted Anemia. You might need more white blood cells to fight it off.

Which component of blood helps fight disease?

Langerhan's Cells (also called epidermal dendritic cells) -They are phagocytes that ingest foreign substances and help to activate our immune system.

What helps your body fight diseases?

Your immune system. The healthier your immune system is, the more likely you will be able to fight off infections and diseases. Antibodies are proteins in the blood that fight disease. - DLW