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Press ups do increase chest muscle. When you're doing then it uses your pecks and the muscle above them.

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Q: Do press ups increase chest muscle?
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What is the fastest way to gain chest muscle?

lots of reps. of push ups everyday, chest press machine, or bench press would work too..... for push ups at least 20-30 (or more, depends how many you can do) of them everyday and then increase the number when you feel comfortable..... chest press and bench press are up to you when determining the weight and reps.

Pull ups focus on which muscle region of the body?

Its not abdominal Its Back

What push-ups work faster and better?

If you are wanting to build chest muscle's, position hands at a wider 'stance'. say for example, slightly wider than the width of your shoulders. if you want a mix of chest and tricep, position hands under shoulders. if you want mainly tricep then place hands closer together, directly under chest. when you can comfortably perform this, raise your legs onto a bench and perform the same. when you find this easy, try clapping between press-ups, or balancing on one hand between press-ups, then finally try one handed press-ups.

Do press ups make a difference in strength?

yeah press up do increase your strength

What exercise helps the muscles in your chest grow the fastest?

press-ups, lifting weights

What can you do to increase upper-body size?

Lift weights, press ups ect. aka. do lots of muscle exercises and if you tend to have a large amount of fat in your upper body you want to do cardio exercises to loose that fat and more muscle exercises to gain muscle.

List two exercises to develop the chest?

1. Dumbbells for bench presses 2. Dumbbells with chest flies 3. Push ups I hope this helps you out :)

What exercises can increase the size of chest muscles?

Lots of push ups can give you finely tuned chest muscles

How do you make your upper body more muscle?

you can make your upper body more muscle by doing sit ups bench press push ups or any thing like that

How can a man develop chest muscles?

Get a trainer at the local gym and start working out to build up chest muscle and tone.

Dite to reduce man' excess chest fat?

Answer by MobileKing : If you're wondering how to lose chest fat, this list of chest exercises in order of effectiveness can come in handy: 1. Push Ups - The classic push-up exercise is a great way to reduce chest fat. It may not bulk you up like a gym workout, but it gets the chest flatter and firmer. Make sure to alternate between straight push-ups, push-ups with elevated feet, and elevated hands push-ups to get a full chest workout. 2. Dumbell chest press - The chest press is an excellent routine, though men with excessive chest fat need to make sure that they don't bulk up because your initial goal is to reduce fat and not to build muscle which will sit on top of that fat. Do sets with many repetitions (15-20) and make sure to work with a straight, decline and incline angles. 3. Barbell chest press - The barbell chest press is similar to the dumbell chest press but I find it to be slightly less effective than with the dumbells. However, it is also an excellent exercise for losing chest fat. 4. The chest flies - The chest flies routine works the chest muscles differently than the chest press and push-up as it involves a cross over motion. Even though by itself it's not as effective at burning chest fat as the others, I still recommend doing it as it completes the chest workout. All of these chest exercises are great, and you should incorporate all of them into your routine. The push up is the most effective while the flies is the least.

Whats the fastest way to grow muscle?

by doing lots of exercise like press-ups and streches