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no sharks do not hurt themselves with their own teeth because they don't close their mouth fully and the teeth do not touch them

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Q: Do sharks hurt themselves with there sharp teeth?
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The piranha has very sharp teeth and would hurt very much if it bit you.

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There are some llamas that like to chew on you, but it will not hurt you because they only have teeth on the bottom of their mouth. Males do have sharp fighting teeth in the back of their mouth.

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yes but not hurt your teeth

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Well probably. They have so many teeth and they latch on hard . So , i'd watch out.

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I'm assuming you are referring to the mother dog. No it doesn't hurt her, but it does start to hurt her once the puppies get close to weaning age, because their sharp little teeth can be a bit painful when they try to latch on to her teats.

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A chipmunk is a rodent, meaning it must continually gnaw to keep it's teeth short, and sharp. If a chipmunk was on somebody's face and it bit them, it would definitely hurt, as well as risk possible infection.

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A stingray can hurt someone, because they have a poisonous barb under their tail, and they also have really sharp teeth, so if you get bitten, it will hurt very bad. Stingrays can actually kill, since a Giant Stingray killed Steve Irwin (the Crocodile Hunter).

My teeth hurt?

your teeth might hurt because u have some new ones wanting to come out