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Sit ups will build muscle if the person is consuming adequate protein. It is also important that the person is performing the sit up exercises properly to ensure the desired results.
They do if done correctly, but a more effective one is actually doing squats (that was actually proven in an issue of mens health)...Because your core muscles are used intensely in supporting the weight throught the squatting movement.

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Q: Do sit ups build muscle
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What type of exercise help you build muscle strengh?

Push ups and sit ups help alot. Also lots of cardio and pull ups. PLus running and riding bikes

How does a wimpy 8th grade girl grow arm muscle?

to build muscles for anything are..........squats,bench press,lifting waits,crunches,pull ups,sit ups,and push ups.

Why is your stomach getting bigger with sit ups?

Sit ups do not burn stomach fat. Sit ups build and tone stomach muscles.

How many sit ups do you have o do to loose 10 pounds?

Sit ups are an anaerobic exercise, which means that this type of exercise does not help in losing weight. Anaerobic exercises are used to build muscle and can actually cause an increase in weight because muscle weighs more than fat.

Which muscle helps you do sit-ups?

ur abs

How do you gain your muscles?

You can gain muscle mass by resistance training. Weight lifting is good, push-ups, sit-ups, or pull-ups are also good. Protein intake is also important in gaining muscle mass. For more information about how to build muscle, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What build muscle better and faster Pull ups and push ups vs weight training?

both are good for muscle building.

You want to build muscle but you are a thin guy?

my little counsin is very thin and he starting to build up his muscles a lot all you got to do is just work hard for it do workouts like push ups sit ups etc.... work hard for it and urll get what you deserve

How do you exercise your back?

you can do lots of sit ups, it will strengthen your back and abdominal muscle!

What is the fixator muscle used in sit ups?

The fixator is one of many muscles used during situps. The fixator muscle stabilizes one part of your body when you move another part.

How do you build muscle at home?

Sit ups, push ups, if you have excersize machines use them. Stretch. Curl ups, trunk lift (thats when you lay on your stomach andhave your legs straight and hands at your side and try to lift your head/neck/upper chest up.

How do you build up biceps and six pack abs?

sit ups