

Do skinks drink water

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Do you mean skunks? (:

If so, then yes. Every living thing needs water to live.

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Q: Do skinks drink water
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Do all skinks drink water?

yes of course all skinks and lizards need water but some skinks and lizards such as the frilly dragon get there fluid from the food they eat as they are unable to get any water because they live in harsh dry places were food and water may be low

What do small lizards drink?

They eat small insects like flies, grasshoppers, crickets, small earthworms, basically any insect that can fit in his mouth. They drink non-chlorine water in a shallow dish so it wont drown.

What do lizards skinks eat?

Skinks eat other skinks. Big Skinks eat the skinks that are smaller then the bigger skinks. They drink milk from cows as well. There main thing they eat is snails. How skinks catch snails: They first jump on the snail and stomp ot it to make it crushed. (they prefer snails crushed)

What do blue tailed skinks eat and drink?

They eat metalwork crickets and any other type of insects. If they are thirsty, they will drank water.

How does a berber skink get water in the wild?

i believe berber skinks can survive on the water content they get from eating insects. but its a good idea if you keep berber skinks as pets to provide them with fresh water.

Do the blue tailed skinks need water?

Thats what I want to kno! Do they?

Skinks have a blue what?

skinks have blue tails

Do skinks have a backbone?

Yes skinks have backbones which makes them a vertabrae.

Where does sand skinks live?

Sand skinks live in the sand.

What do some skinks have that is blue?

Some skinks have a blue tongue

What do Eastern water skinks eat?

small frogs, worms, tadpoles, water beetles, snails, berries, insects and small animals

What do Australian skinks eat?

Australian skinks have a varied diet. Some of the things the skinks eat are moths, flies, caterpillars, and small insects.