

Do slug pellets kill slugs

Updated: 8/20/2019
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7y ago

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Yes, slug pellets kill slugs even though there are two more humane methods. Slugs cannot crawl over, and will retreat from, garden plots surrounded by fine sharp gravel or a ring of sand. Slugs will not cross over the line made by adhesive copper tape stuck around the pot or tub holder in a band.

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Q: Do slug pellets kill slugs
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What do slug pellets do to slugs and snails?

kill them

Are slugs poisonous to chicken and poultr?

Slugs are not poisonous to chicken or poultry in general. Slug pellets which are used to kill slugs are poisonous to chickens.

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Slug pellets and hedgehogs but not together.

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Salt will kill slugs because the slugs body is covered in mucus and the salt will dry up the mucus and in a matter of time the slug will die.

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all slugs can kill you. but some of them decide not to because your not bothering them. the most poisonous slug is the abriety slug, they are found in north Asia

How does artificial grass and slug pellets effect garden plants and wildlife And what would an alternative to reduce the work in my garden?

I'm not sure what the question regarding artificial grass is, but I can answer regarding slug pellets. Slug pellets do not harm plants and I have not seen any harmful effects to any creature other than slugs and garden snails. If you remove any pots, stones or other things that slugs can hide under, you should be able to reduce their population. However, those things add a lot of decoration to our gardens and you might want to just put down the slug bait.

Can sodium chloride kill snails?

I heard recently that it does a job on slugs, and a slug is just a snail without a home.

Can you shoot shot pellets from a fully rifled slug barrel?

You can, but manufacturers typically recommend that you do not. Shooting lead pellets will be less damaging and would require alot of shooting to cause any serious damage. Shooting steel or tungsten, however, will cause significant damage in a short amount of time. A smooth barrel will handle pellets, buckshot, sabotted slugs or standard slugs. A rifled barrel should be used for sabots and slugs only.

What slug to use deer hunting?

any kind will kill a deer but if you have a smooth barrel than u need smooth slugs if you have a rifled barrel you need a rifled slug

How many does a slug have?

Slugs do not have legs.

What do 2 slugs do when they get into a fight?

they SLUG it out gedit