

Best Answer

No. The stars are much too far away for the Earth's existence

to have any measurable effect on them.

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Q: Do stars have gravitational pull if so how strong is the force of it?
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What is dependent on gravitational pull?

Any two objects with mass will have a gravitational force. The orbit of planets around stars depends on the gravitational pull of the star. The Earth exerts a gravitational pull on its moon but the moon also exerts a pull on the Earth.

Is gravitational pull the same as gravitational acceleration?

No. "Pull" is a force, not an acceleration.

What is the force that tries to pull the rocket back to earth?

Gravitational Pull.

What moves stars or planets?

By the gravitational pull

What is he source of the gravitational pull on the planets?

Their mass is. Gravitational force is a force between masses.

How strong is the earths moons gravatational pull?

The moon exerts a gravitational force approximately one sixth of the gravity of earth.

What are the force holding particles together?

Gravity is the force that pulls matter together. The gravitational pull is how the moons stay in orbit around a planet.

Does the sun have gravitional pull?

Yes, It has a strong gravitational pull. Without the gravitational pull, none of the planets would orbit it.

What is a force besides a push?

Pull also such as a gravitational pull.

Does the sun have a strong gravitational pull?

Yes it does.

Motion under the influence of gravitational pull only?

Gravitational Force