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Students are exhausted from too much homework. They have to do projects, research, written assignments , prepare for tests , do PowerPoint and bring material to class. That's too much!


i agree. im in 6th grade and my back hurtz every day no mattah wat. and i get tired and stressed out sooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!
actually yes

because im a middle school student my self & i come home with homework that's takes me 4 to 5 hours to complete

but then my cousins in Connecticut that are in middle school come home with hw that takes them 10 to 15 minutes. literally !

its not fair to some of us !

and on the weekends my cousins in connectisut don't even get hw there parent just has to sign something ! ! !

AnswerYEAH ,

they really are getting to much homework

its pointless because you are doing enough work at school already

teachers are being mean and selfish for making you spend YOUR time doing work , after they already make you spend half the day working at school


My teacher gives me homework almost every day that means I never get a chance to finish my other homework.Then he gets mad at me and wants to talk to me and make me start over.
Thie answer to this is subjective. Some teachers are guilty of "busy work" and that takes away from a quality education as it can discourage children. Depending upon the subjects, schoolwork can take much of the time available to many children after school. However, the term "too much" is relative and is often more associated with the child's home life and other activities. In most cases, children do not get too much homework.

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13y ago

Of coarse! Kids would like less of homework because they can spend more time on sports or with friends or family. But less homework means less learning ;x

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7y ago

Yes teachers know. But many teachers don't like grading it either. But they do it because it is their job.

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Q: Do students have too much homework?
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What do teachers say too much homework?

they say that homework students have isn't very much.

How much students think they have too much homework?

Probably a lot, but no studies have been done.

Can homework contribute to depression?

Yes. If a student receives to much home work it may cause deep depression. Study shows 78% of students with too much homework become hospitalised within the week.

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Do teachers give too much homework?

in my opinion i think teachers give way to much homework for a student to handle. There also comes a time when i think that teachers do this to students to prepare for the future at hand. Also, i play softball so i think that they should give students less homework in one day and give it another day.

How do you say too much homework in french?

English : Too much homework French : Trop de devoirs

Do they get homework in Spain?

Yes. Spanish students have homework, just like students in all other Western schools. Spaniards typically have as much homework as other Western Europeans, which is slightly more than American or Australian students.

Do students in Finland have homework?

Yes, students in Finland have homework

What are the cons of too much homework?

Too much homework can lead to stress, burnout, and reduced sleep quality in students. It can also limit time for extracurricular activities and social interactions, which are important for overall well-being and development.

Why is more homework better for students?

More homework helps you practice your work and learn more of the material - up to a point, then it just overwhelms you and you get frustrated. So you should have homework like the three bears - not too much or too little, but just right.

What are your views on homework whether it should be given or not?

I believe that homework should be given to students. Although many people hate having homework (I do too), it is a great way for students to review the day's work and understand it to a deeper level. I think that there should be homework, but only about 30 mins- 1 hr of homework, and definitely no projects

Does homework damage your health?

Generally, no. Homework provides intellectual stimulus, structured time, and prods creative thinking, also teaching the student to figure out how to accomplish the tasks at hand, and helping to developing time management skills. However, those who are stressed by the prospect of too much homework, or assignments perceived as too difficult can experience anxiety and/or depressed mood.It does, now that most schools are giving out way too much homework for students to manage and finish.I don't think so