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Yes. No Muslim can remain a Muslim if he denies the holy Qur'an as a whole or even a single verse of it. The Qur'an is the last genuine book of Allah Karim. The large majority of the Muslims in the world are Sunni Muslims. None of them denies even a single verse of the holy Qur'an.

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Q: Do sunni muslims believe in the quran?
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Orthodox Muslims are those who adhere Islam teachings per Quran and Sonnah (prophet MNuhammad PBUH sayings and deeds).

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I believe that its the Quran.

What did sunni's believe?

Sunnis; as all other Muslims; believe in God (Allah) as the one and only one God and prophet Muhammad is his prophet and Messenger. They believe in Quran as God revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They follow Quran and prophet Muhammad teachings. Refer to question below for more details.

What Sunni means?

Answer 1Sunni literally means who follow Sunnah (practice) of prophet Muhammad SAWW. but shia Muslims believe they are real sunni. according to shia Muslims any Muslim who does not believe in Imamat as one of five pillars of Islam is a sunni Muslim.

What is a sunnie Muslim?

sunni Muslims are Muslims who believe in the sunnah of the prophet meaning the example of the prophet, they follow his teaching of Allah about peace etc. sunni Muslims are one of the main group of Muslims in the world.

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sunni Muslims are Muslims who believe in the sunnah of the prophet meaning the example of the prophet, they follow his teaching of Allah about peace etc. sunni Muslims are one of the main group of Muslims in the world.

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The Sunni Muslims worship Allah and we believe that the Prophet is his messenger. Shiittes don't like the messenger, they like his grandsons

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Is Isis Sunni?

YES. Islamic State profess to be fundamentalist (Salafi) Sunni Muslims and they cite chapter and verse for their actions. This does not mean that Islamic State is a good representative of what most Sunni Muslims believe.

The Ottomans were what type of Muslims?

Most of them were Sunni Hanafis.