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No, there is no asbestos in tampons.

Commercial tampons do contain harmful substances - they're made from rayon which increases risks of vaginal infections and Toxic shock syndrome, also we know they contain dioxin - as tampon companies keep ingredients secret and are self-tested as well as self-regulated we don't know exactly what is inside commercial tampons or potential risks. We do know there's no asbestos.

The asbestos myth came about from an email circulating in the 1990's. It may be that this email was related to concerns over dioxin and either the original sender got confused about what was inside tampons or purposefully misled people in an attempt to stop customers using tampons or pressure the general public to demand to know what is used within commercial tampons.

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Q: Do tampon manufacturers put asbestos in tampons to promote bleeding?
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Can tampons give sexual pleasure?

absolutely not. Tampons are when you have your period, to stop the bleeding. If you want sexual pleasure, try vibrators, or "dirty" movies. Maybe even hand movements aswell. Not tampons

Bleeding inserting tampons?

You should only be using tampons during menstruation or withdrawal bleeds - during full bleeding. Tampons absorb blood and vaginal moisture so result in the vaginal walls becoming ulcerated and split, with less blood the damage is more severe and this is not only uncomfortable but increases risk of TSS as damaged vaginal tissues gives TSST-1 toxins responsible for TSS a direct route into the bloodstream. If you're not menstruating and use tampons then the tampon can cause more vaginal tissue damage and result in bleeding.

What happens if you use a tampon during bleeding in miscarriage if you didn't know you were pregnant?

There are no ill effects from using a tampon for bleeding from miscarriage, whether or not you knew you were pregnant. You can use tampons or pads for this bleeding. If bleeding is extremely heavy, pads may be easier.

Do you have to wear a pad when your not bleeding?

You Dont Have To Wear A Pad If you arent on your Period. But it is always good to carry pads or tampons with you in your bag

Why should you not use tampons to care the bleeding after delivery?

Post-partum bleeding isn't as predicatable as menstrual flow, thus you could use too high an absorbency increasing risks of TSS - after childbirth due to damage to vaginal tissues TSS risks are already increased, which is another reason not to use tampons.

Why do you use tampons?

Tampons are just a way to keep the blood from your period trapped inside your body for a little while. I personally only use them when swimming, but they can be worn for girls with heavy periods who are worried about filling up a pad too quickly.

Is it safe to use a tampon a few days after a miscarriage?

No, tampons should not be used a few days after a miscarriage and there's no reason to use tampons as you will not be menstruating at that time. During miscarriage tissue from the pregnancy needs to be expelled, the cervix is more open so you're at higher risk of infection and TSS - thus using tampons would be very dangerous. If you still have bleeding then use pads or period underwear.

Can tampons stop you from having babies?

Tampons wouldn't affect a baby during pregnancy, but there is absolutely no reason why a woman should be using tampons while she is pregnant - tampons should only be used during menstruation, even if experiencing bleeding during pregnancy it is not safe to use tampons as you don't know the blood loss to know what absorbency to use. Misusing tampons this way can increase risk of vaginal infections and toxic shock syndrome - the latter would potentially cause serious harm to the baby.

What does it mean when you find tampons in a guys room?

Firstly, some men have vagina's and so some men menstruate - although not all trans men are comfortable using tampons many will still use tampons the same as some women. Many men will have tampons for their female partners, friends, or family members. There will also be men who use tampons for things such as nose bleeds to stop the bleeding. The only way to know is to ask.

If you think your pregnant can you use tampons?

It's biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant - although it is possible to experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, it isn't that common. If you are pregnant and start to experience vaginal bleeding you should seek immediate medical attention.You should only ever use tampons during menstruation when you know how heavy your bleeding is going to be in order to know what absorbency tampon that you can use safely.

Please advise the first time we tried he did not penetrate but there was bleeding Am I still a virgin Tampons also hurt a lot?

No, you are not a virgin. Try to relax

Why would a woman use a tampon to swim after giving birth?

After giving birth women can experience bleeding, both directly after giving birth and for some time later due to irregular hormones. Although tampons shouldn't be worn during this time because without knowing how heavy her bleeding is going to be using tampons increase risks of TSS.