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They cannot divide through out the life.There is a limid in dividing.

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Q: Do the cardiac cells grow or divide throughout a persons life?
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What cells of the central nervous system divide throughout life?

they are called ligimitosic cells

Which cells lose their ability to replicate and divide?

There are many cells that loose their capability to divide after certain period of time ( a phenomenon known as replicative senescence in molecular biology). These cells are differentiated and are accustomed to the functions to which they are destined. Most of the cells in the animals are not able to divide, the best examples being neurons and cardiac cells.

What type of cells have the ability to divide and produce new cells throughout their lifetime?

Pluripotent stem cells.

What is the considered the most differentiated cell?

Terminally differentiated cells are cells that have lost the ability to divide. Examples of these cells in the human body include skeletal muscle cells, cardiac muscle cells, and neurons.

What human cell undergo constant mitosis?

Labile cells (the kinds of cells that can divide throughout their lifetime) normally do so within the organ they constitute. Some examples of labile cells are skin cells, cells of the gastrointestinal tract, and blood cells; however, blood cells divide in the bone marrow and lymphocytes divide in the lymph nodes. Other kinds of cells in the body are either stable cells (that do not normally divide--this includes nerve cells) and permanent cells (that do not have the ability to divide.)

Which cells don't divide?

Brain cell do not divide in later life. Cardiac muscle divides itself less than 1% each year in humans.

Why do all human cells divide at the same rate throughout life?

They don't. Some grow and divide all the time (skin cells) and some never do (nerve cells) and some only at times when needed.

What cells make up the myocardium?

Most of the myocardium is composed of cardiac myocytes.

What are the properties of cardiac cells?

Cardiac muscle is a striated, involuntary muscle. Cardiac muscle cells usually contain 1 or 2 nuclei.

Which muscle cells commonly branch?

The muscle cells which commonly branch are the cardiac muscle cells. The other muscles do not have any branched cells.

Does your cell divide throughout your lifetime?

Most cells do, although as you age the dividing occurs less frequently.

What type of cells form heart tissues?

Cardiac cells make up cardiac tissue.These cells are only found in heart.