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Most of them do yes. Tony and Pervial both do, The girls (Nancy, Fay, Dulcie, Maisie and Polly) do, and Lord and Lady Brochhurst speak in a British accent as well. But the boys (Marcel, Alphonse, Pierre) are french along with Hortense and Mdm Dubonnet. The only American in the show is Bobby Van Husen.

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Q: Do the people in the musical The Boy Friend talk in English accents?
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Why do Americans think English people have funny accents?

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Many English people find American accents appealing or interesting. However, preferences for accents can vary among individuals. Some may find American accents charming, while others might not have a strong opinion either way.

Why do some people pronounce Israel as is Rye El?

Because English has many different dialects and accents.

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English people have English accents because they have been exposed to the English language and dialect from birth, influencing their speech patterns and pronunciation. Regional accents within England can also be attributed to historical migrations and cultural influences that have shaped the way English is spoken in different areas.

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Why do people love Americans?

Some do, while others do not. Americans love accents, especially English ones, who are also British.

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coltish people have Scottish accents; garlic people have Irish accents

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ENGLISHEnglish. Native people have Jamaican-sounding accents, though.