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Grammar doesn't cover everything. It covers a lot though, and usage dictionaries and style manuals cover even more of it... trying to solve all the questions they can think of. Truthfully though, English is a living language. Different ways of using it happen every day, and when they are widespread enough, they become part of the "rules." Native speakers have an instinct for the language, yes, and they are confident in using the language in new ways, and making up new words even. Native speakers make language mistakes all the time though... and the majority don't know a lot about grammatical rules. I had adults in my college English classes who didn't know what a noun was... they knew how to form a sentence instinctually, as native speakers, but they didn't know grammar very well at all. Non-native speakers are usually easy to spot just because they make mistakes in a different way. They usually have word-order or verb form problems, and both of those things are less prevalent in native speakers, because they are more instinctual when it is your first language. The exceptions are hammered into you from childhood. :)

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Q: Do the rules of English grammar cover all combinations of words in sentences to decide what is grammatical or not or do you know what is correct because you have learned word combinations since birth?
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