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Asbestos use in the United Kingdom and EU are now banned , it can no longer be used, sold, imported or exported, you can't even give it away. In the US asbestos is not banned, but its uses are limited and new construction materials should not contain asbestos as an intentionally added ingredient.

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Q: Do they use asbestos on construction sites now?
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Related questions

When did asbestos construction materials become illegal in the US?

Use of asbestos in construction materials has not be made illegal in the US, however, it is has not been used in that application, in most places, since the 1980s.

Why did asbestos use become strictly regulated after 1970?

It is now known that inhaling asbestos fibers can cause lung disease.

Is anyone allowed to use asbestos?

use of asbestos in pretty much everything has been banned for many years now, and in the uk, you need training, and a licence to remove it from buildings.

Who makes a sturdy mobile computer for use on construction sites?

There are a few companies that make sturdy mobile computers for use on construction sites. Some of the companies that make sturdy mobile computers are Toshiba, Motorola and Armor.

Why didn't builders of the sears tower use asbestos?

They did. That's why tenants are moving out of the now Willis Tower.

Whats asbestos siding and how is it better?

Asbestos siding is a type of siding that was used between the 1920's and 1970's. There are health concerns with the use of asbestos on homes now. Asbestos was then added to cement to provide support, fire-retardant properties, and insulating. You can compare asbestos siding to others on the internet or go to a home-improvement stores.

Is there such a thing as Asbestos in popcorn ceilings?

Yes. In materials installed in 1980 and earlier, some of the surface texturing materials WAS asbestos. The OSHA Construction standard for asbestos (1926.1101) requires that all thermal insulation, and surface texturing used in 1980 and earlier be considered to PRESUME to be asbestos until a lab test shows it is not. Now, having said that, if you have a popcorn ceiling, please do not rush to the den and start scraping it off. Not all popcorn is asbestos, and the danger of asbestos is inhaling it-so don't start making dust. There are several means of dealing with asbestos. If you are a construction worker, and encounter old popcorn ceilings, inform your supervisor, and ask that it be considered asbestos until examined by a qualified asbestos surveyor. It should also be mentioned that, while the use of asbestos in manufacturing acoustic texture was banned in the seventies and eighties,a lot of the material was already on the market.Some contractors had purchased pallets of the material, as it was so popular.So just because your house may have been built after the ban on asbestos,always use the appropriate particle mask and mist the ceiling with water before and during removal. Proper disposal is important also.It is best to use plastic sheeting to capture the material,then fold the material up in the plastic,and keep it sealed.Overall it is best to hire professionals to handle the removal of acoustic "popcorn"texture.

When did people find out that asbestos caused mesothelioma?

Romans knew thousands of years ago that slaves working in asbestos mines died at an unusually young age, but it wasn't until early in the 20th century that specific asbestos-related health effects were identified, and it was later still before the mineral was regulated in the United States. Though many countries have banned asbestos use due to health concerns, it is still in use in the U.S. Asbestos is fire-resistant, strong and flexible insulator, making it a useful material for construction.

How are asbestos roofs secured?

Asbestos roofs are secured in the same manner as non-asbestos roofs that use similar materials.

What is friable asbestos?

Friable asbestos is material that contains asbestos fibers and that can be crumbled into dust in the hand without the use of tools.

Are there any laws regulating asbestos?

Yes. There are several federal laws which regulate the use of asbestos. Asbestos is a dangerous chemical compound which has been linked with the cause of lung damage and various beathing diseases like Mesothelioma. In 1998 asbestos use was banned but a subsequent ruling, in 1991 by the Supreme Court over turned the ban. Asbestos use is now regulated by federal, state and local agencies of which the Envirnomental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Oakland Liviningston Human Service Agency are most well known.

Who discovered asbestos?

Asbestos has been used for thousands of years, with evidence of its use dating back to ancient civilizations like the Greeks and Romans. However, it was Finnish geologist Johan Gottlieb Gahn who is credited with discovering the mineral in its modern form in the late 18th century.