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Yes, it eats. but it also depend on the type of fish you have stocked in the aquarium. eg. if there is sucker fish (cat fish) it definitely clears the scum on the glass tanks.

Always try to avoid overgrowth of algae as it affects the water parameters.

in nature also some fishes like Schizothorax, bagarius etc feed on AUFWUCHS ( a mixture of bacteria, fungi , algae and other organisms attached to the rocks) and sucks them.

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Q: Do tropical fish like algae on the tank glass?
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These fish can be taken care of just like most fish out there. Get a tank with a filter and put them in. Feed the Molly tropical flake food and the 'sucker fish' pleco algae tablets.

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Well, it depends. If it is a tropical fish it needs tropical flakes. If it is a betta fish it needs betta pellets. If it is a algae eater they need algae chips. If it is a fresh water fish it needs fresh water flakes or pellets or goldfish flakes or pellets. They all like freeze dried blood worms as a special treat! It is good to feed a variety of fish foods! Good luck!

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Do fish eat algae? Yes, some species, like plecostomus, do eat algae.

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They prefer foods like shrimp pellets or various vegetables but will also eat tropical fish food, regular fish food, algae wafers, and even small fish that can be captured by their claws, such as goldfish or minnows

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it depends on the fish. some fish like algae eaters eat algae tablets. But there is also pellets and fish flakes sold at stores like petco or walmart

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Most Tropical Fish will eat the regular tropical fish flakes you can buy at any pet-store.

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ducks and sucker fish

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They eat like normal fish. Algae, smaller fish, and seaweed.

Why are certain fish called tropical fish?

These fish like warm water

Does this sound like a good tropical fish community?

Tropical fish must be mixed with other fish that are well adapted to the same community as the tropical fish are. These would be fish that are non-aggressive, and like basically the same foods, water temperatures, plants and environment.

Do algae eat fish?

Some of them do.Small fish are mostly the ones who eat algea. Most of the bigger fish eat smaller fish.

Can you convert your fresh water fish tank into tropical without killing the fish?

You can definitely do that, but you haven't made it clear that you have cold water in the tank before. If you can keep the water temperature at 72 F, then you can keep both cold water fishes like gold fishes and non-aggressive community tropical fishes like gouramis, platys, mollies, algae eaters etc with gold fish.