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Turtles can sleep on land or in water. They have lungs and can hold airfor a couple of hours. If your turtle starts to sleep underwater, don't worry. If your not sure if it's dead or not, give a light touch Your turtle SHOULD wake up immediatly. If not, give another touch. Hope this helps you!

P.S if your turtle doesn't move for at least 4 hours, it might be dead.

P.S.S Don't touch your turtle too much. Their body is fragile.

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12y ago
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14y ago

No. Once turtles hatch, they go out on their own. They might go under water for food but they make a tiny bed of water plants and mud on land. Turtles are reptiles, but they live both on land and in water, and they have lungs. They need air. They can swim under water for a short period of time and then must come up for air. Or the baby turtle may burrow underground to sleep if it is cold.

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13y ago

Turtles do NOT sleep in their shells as their head sticks out when they are asleep. I have a pet tortoise myself, They are lovely to have as pets!

Yes ,to protect their selves from predators and keep worm.
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14y ago

No, aquatic turtles sleep underwater.

Turtles breathe air. When they are awake, they need to come up to the surface for air every 20 minutes or so. But when they are asleep, they can stay asleep underwater all night long, without coming up for air. I have no idea how that's possible; all I know is that my red-eared slider turtle stays asleep underwater all night long (8 to 10 hours).

Well turtles slow their heart beat to make them stay underwater for a long time. All aquatic turtle can slow their heart rate and can stay underwater for a long time without even coming up out of the water for a breathe but rarely they might come out and sleep outside on their dock or any other outside area provided.

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12y ago

I have owned aquatic turtles for a while and from my observation turtles sleep under water (usually) and they stop breathing ( so it is almost like they die) and will occasionally come up for air every now and then.

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16y ago

No. If they are they are probalily dead. Unless their head is out of the water. Geckomaster

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12y ago

I'm not too sure but whenever i come into the room my turtle is in hes head is in his

shell and on his rock , so i think they do ?

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Where do turtles sleep?

They either sleep on land or in the water.

How long can turtles sleep under water?

pet turtles can sleep as much as they want in water if they loose oxygen they will lift their heads and get oxygen

Do yellow bellied turtles sleep in water or out?

inside water

Where do red bellied turtles sleep?

red bellied turtles sleep on the moist hard rocky shore of fresh water

Where do fresh water turtles sleep?

in ponds and other fresh water places Glenn

How long can baby turtles stay in water without air?

My baby turtle sleep underwater. They need to be able to get on land and in fact they enjoy it! My turtles do fine out of water for an hr or more because they also sleep out of water. Turtles need time out of their terrarium so they can work out.

Which animal lives outside water?

All animals but fish, turtles,whales,dolphins, etc. live outside the water

Do floating turtles sleep with their eyes open or closed?

turtles do not sleep

Are snapping turtles fast outside of the water?

no. In fact, snapping turtles mostly stands stationary, patiently waiting for their prey.

Do baby aquatic turtles sleep under water?

they can if they want to , there's nothing to worry about.

How Do the flat back turtles sleep?

Turtles, like any other animal, sleep when they need to. I catch my four napping on a regular basis. They love catching a snooze while out sunning themselves. They can't sleep under water they have to be basking. If they were to sleep under water they might drown. My turtle spent her first night completely undewater (sleeping) So I guess they do sleep underwater they hold their breath for hours

Were do turtles sleep?

well since sea turtles rarely sleep they really dont but if they do they will sleep on a nearby beach