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The Whip Scorpion or Vinergeron is not dangerous to humans. It is *not* a scorpion but does look like one. This is for self protection. The tail has no sting. The animal will emit a noxious, vinegar smelling fluid if disturbed. There is also a critter know as a Wind Scorpion which, again, is not a scorpion but a spider. It has the appearance of a scorpion ( same color, same general body shape) but again no sting and no claws. These will bite and have rather large fangs (4 of them) which can cause nasty infections but neither the Vinergeron or the Wind Scorpion are dangerously venomous.

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Q: Do whip scorpion harm human
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An amblypygid is an invertebrate of the order Amblypygi, also known as the tailless whip scorpion.

What is a Vinegar Spider?

A Vinegar spider or Vinegaroon is shaped like a scorpion. It gives off a vinegar smell when it bites it's victims causing them to smell of vinegar. It is called a spider but is actually part of the scorpion family. It has a whip like tail but there is no stinger on it like the scorpion. Another name for it is also the Whip Spider. It is native to the southern US and Mexico.

How can a scorpion harm us?

they have claws to pinch us and the stinger at the back can sting us :)

Why does the tailless whip-tail scorpion have no tail unlike a normal scorpion that has a tail with a venom stinger?

The name "Tailless whip-tail scorpion" is a misnomer. The tailless whip scorpion is actually not a scorpion at all. It is, however, in the group that both spiders and scorpions belong to called the Arachnids. Arachnids are not insects; arachnids have two body parts and eight legs whereas insects have three body parts and six legs. Tailless whip scorpions belong to the group Amblypigidae. They are reclusive animals that live in dark places such as under the bark of trees and in cellars. Their first set of legs has actually elongated and become incredibly sensitive, serving the same function as antenna in insects -- to tell them about the world around them. They have no venom but catch their prey with their large spiny pedipalps. To people they're completely harmless, other than the ability to give a slight pinch.

What is Fabulous beast with a human head and a scorpion's tail?

Hiruko a human puppet

Why is the whip scorpion endangered?

I don't know if they are endangered. I saw 2 tiny baby ones running around my yard this week.

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