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Yes, but there are some that live in inland lakes, spending their lives in fresh water.

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Q: Do white perch migrate from the Atlantic ocean to tributries?
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What fish resources are in the atlantic ocean?

Whale shark, Herring, Anchovy, Sardine, Cod, Flounder, Perch, and Tuna.

Why do you think seagulls can't perch on trees?

The lighter side.Why seagulls cant perch on trees, Well I've never seen a tree growing in the middle of an ocean.

Do African fish eagles migrate?

African fish eagles do not migrate. They need open water with a food source and a perch.

What is a perch's protection?

it lives in the ocean and with its gill

Do perch live in an ocean or in freshwater?

usually freshwater.......

Does a perch have a lung and gills?

No, they have gills to extract oxygen from water. and since they do that i do believe that they stay on the bottom or reef of the ocean or wherever they live!

Where does perch originate?

True Yellow Perch (perca flavescens) originated in many areas of the Northern Hemisphere, especially in the Great Lakes region of the United States. That said, no fish name is more misused on restaurant menus than "perch". If in a restaurant, you see the word "perch" on a menu, and it is clarified as "Ocean Perch", "Rock Perch", "New England Perch", or "White Perch", it is a different, and almost invariably, inferior fish. Look for "Lake Perch", or "Yellow Lake Perch". That's the "Real McCoy".

Is ocean perch a mammal?

A perch is a fish. Fish are not mammals. They don't have fur. They don't give birth to live young and feed them with milk. They are not warm blooded. Fish are fish.

What is the plural form of perch?

The plural of perch, when referring to a bird's perch, is perches. The plural of perch, when referring to the fish, remains perch.

Fish whos name start with the letter o?

Ocean Perch and Oregon Chub are fish. They begin with the letter O.

How many species of the perch fish are there?

There are three species of the perch: Percaflavescens (Yellow perch), Perca fluviatilis(European perch) and Perca schrenkii (Balkhash perch).

What is the reporters name in SpongeBob?

perch perkins