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Walking on level ground is moving balance weight. This requires far less energy than walking uphill or downhill. Walking uphill burns almost twice as many calories as walking in flat land. Walking downhill burns more than walking on flat land simple because you are transferring weight down and in doing so you move your total weight down on one leg at a time. Walking downhill uses about half the extra energy walking uphill compared to walking on flat land. If your knees will permit you to walk up and downhill, you will not only burn more calories, but the muscles in your legs will strength and you will have far less body fat on your legs. I have a pretty steep hill I walk daily. It is the main factor for me being able to control my weight. Invest thirty days and experiment with this. You will be pleasantly surprised and will be able to control your weight in the future. I wish there was a way for people desiring to lose weight to find out about it. There is more of a chance for a knee injury. Be careful.

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Uphill because it requires more energy (work) to defy gravity, and when gravity works with you as you go downhill, you exert less energy.

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Q: Can walking uphill but slowly burn as many calories as walking quikly down a hill?
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depends on how far you walk, are you going uphill, downhill or is it flat? if you walk on a flat area then you will not burn as much as the other two, uphill you will burn the most. all in all you will not burn a lot of calories unless you walk a pretty good distance and even a couple miles of flat land will only burn around 70 calories. a couple miles uphill could burn over 150.

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