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No. The electronegativity variance is not great enough between nonmetals, so they do not donate or accept electrons, but they share electrons in their combined valance shells. Some time unequally, so you have polar covalent bonds.

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Q: Do you expect ionic compounds to form between two nonmetals?
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Do you expect ionic compounds to form between two non metals?

No, ionic compounds typically form between a metal and a nonmetal. When two nonmetals combine, they are more likely to form covalent compounds, where electrons are shared between atoms rather than transferred.

Molecules form between whereas ionic compounds form between?

nonmetals; nonmetals and metals

What is the differnece between an ionic compound and a covolant compound?

In an ionic compound, atoms transfer electrons from one to the other, creating oppositely charged ions. The ionic bond is an electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions. Ionic compounds tend to form between metals and nonmetals. In covalent compounds, atoms share electrons. Most covalent compounds form between nonmetals.

What types of elements form covalent compounds and what types of elements form ionic compoundsypes?

Ionic bonds are between metals and nonmetals. Covalent bonds are between nonmetals andnonmetals.Also covalent bonds consist that they share the electrons to get a full outer level but on the other hand ionic bonding consists in giving and taking away!

What are the characteristics of ionic compounds vs molecular compounds?

Ionic compounds are generally made up of nonmetals and metals, while molecular compounds are normally made up of nonmetals only.

What compounds formed from metals and nonmetals are often?


How are ionic compounds identified?

An ionic compound is made up of metals and nonmetals.

How are nonmetals in ionic compounds named?

Nonmetals(anion) are written second after the metal(cation).

What compounds do nonmetals form when they burn in oxygen?

Nonmetals burning in oxygen form covalent type compounds, as compared to metals which form ionic compounds.

Can the term molecule be applied to both an ionic and a covalent bond?

No. Molecules are formed from covalent bonds, usually between nonmetals. Ionic compounds are formed by ionic bonds from the electrostatic attraction of positively and negatively charged ions, generally between metals and nonmetals.

What are the three main differences between ionic and covalent bonds (attraction atoms electrons)?

- ionic bond: electrostatic attraction, specific for metals+nonmetals compounds, can form lattices.- covalent bond: shared electrons between atoms, specific for nonmetals compounds, not so strong bond.

What type of compound do most nonmetals form?

ionic compounds