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No you get fined if you register to vote and then don't vote.

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Q: Do you get fined if you haven't registered to vote in Australia?
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Is it a crime not to vote in Australia?

No it is not a crime not to vote but is compulsory and can be met with a fine if you are registered and don't vote.

What is the name of the country that says that if you dont vote you can be fined or put in jail?

i think its Australia andbelgium

Who has to vote in Australia?

any one that is registered to vote and all Australian Citizens are obliged to register.

Why shouldn't people be fined if they don't vote?

=I think that there is no reason why people shouldn't be fined if they don't vote. They have an obligation to their country and they need to fulfill it. So there really isn't a reason why people shouldn't be fined if they don't vote.=

Rules to be able to vote in Australia?

You have to be an Australian Citizen over the age of 18 and be registered on an electoral role.

What country says that if you dont vote you can be fined or put in jail?

Australia is one, as voting is compulsory. Usually only those who willfully refuse are prosecuted.

Is voting for a prime minister voluntary or compulsory?

It is compulsory. In Australia if you are registered to vote and live at the address where you are registered to vote it is compulsory. If you don't vote you will get a please explain note. which is easy enough to answer with some excuse like I was out camping and far away from any voting place.

Should citizens be fined for not voting?

No, you do not get fined for no voting. Voting is completely voluntary.

Who can you vote for in Australia?

Any one that is registered as a candidate in a government election. there are some rules regarding eligibility when it comes to standing for a seat.

Do you have to be a registered democrat to vote in the Indiana democratic primary?

No, you don't have to be a registered democrat to vote in the primary.

What if I changed my name am I still registered to vote?

Yes, you are still registered to vote, ask your Social Studies teacher!

Who can vote in Rome?

Everyone who is a registered voter can vote in Rome.