

Do you get more tax money if you claim a child?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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If you have more refund or credits available to you, and a "qualifying" child to claim...yes, of course.

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Q: Do you get more tax money if you claim a child?
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Do single mothers get more money on their tax return?

No. You can claim the child and take off child care costs, but single people pay a higher rate.

Do you get more money for a younger child when claiming taxs?

When you claim a child that is under 17 maybe. You may qualify for the Child Tax Credit or the Additional Child Tax credit. Also if you pay for child care you may qualify for The Child and Dependant Care Credit.

Can you claim your child for the earned income tax credit even if your ex is allowed to claim that child for the child tax credit?

Two people can not claim the same child. It's as simple as that. If the judge ordered that he get to claim the child for that certain year. Then he gets to claim him for whatever deductions apply to him.

Can you claim on fed income tax more than self to get more money back?

Only if you have a right to claim the qualfying child or relative...and they aren't clamed eslewhere, including their ow return. You must provide their SS# which confirms these things.

If you owe back child support and you claim your new child well you get the money back for that child or do they get that money to?

Question isn't clear, but the State will take your entire tax refund, except for the part attributable to your spouse.

What is the penalty for falsifying tax documents?

if you claim somebadys child with your tax .

Can you claim 3 or more children to get more money back on your tax refund?

If you have earned income you claim as many as you have for an exemption however for the EIC credit you can only claim 3

Can you claim your child if you have no income?

Well if you have no outcome how are you going to be able to provide for your child ? Talk to your lawyer or tax representative for more information

Does a father have to pay more child support if he claims child?

I can only assume you mean claiming the child on your taxes. If you pay child support on a child and claim that child on your taxes, you are committing tax fraud. You can only claim a child on your taxes if you are providing most of his support and that includes he has to be living with you for most of the tax year. How much a father pays does not necessarily relate to him claiming the child on his tax return. You need to review your court orders. They should address who gets to claim the child as a dependent for tax purposes. If not set forth in the order then check your state laws. Most states provide that the custodial parent gets to claim the child for all of the reasons set forth above.

Who claims the child if you have joint legal custody in New York?

Whoever has physical custody of the child for more than 50% of the year (at least 183 out of 365 days) can claim the child on a tax return. If both parents have 50% custody, whoever has custody of the child on tax day (April 18th in 2011) can claim the child.

Can you claim 0 on your W-4 and then claim 1 or more dependents when you file for the year?

yes if you claim ) they take more money out of your check then you'll get back any overpayment when you do your tax return

Can a parent claim a child on their income tax if the child is in prison?

If the child lived with you for over 50% of the year (183 out of 365 days) then yes, you can claim the child as a dependent on your tax return, even if they don't live with you now.