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Generally, it's recognized that acne may be promoted by certain dietary factors. Dairy products and high glycemic foods may play a role in aggravating acne.

Some speculatory evidence has suggested that some component of western lifestyles, possibly diet, might be responsible for higher rates of acne. An article from the American Medical Association observed of more than 1000 Pacific islanders living their traditional lifestyles and found no cases of acne. Given that similar islanders who adopt western diets do develop a reasonable percentage of acne, the author's concluded that genetics alone could not explain the differences observed and that a western, high-glycemic diet may play a role in promoting acne development.

Another study from the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that high milk consumption amongst women was significantly correlated with acne rates. It's important to realize that just because two things are related doesn't necessarily mean that one causes another, however this relationship is still suggestive.

Clearly, not all individuals who consume high-glycemic diet or a large number of dairy products suffer from acne. Acne is a complex condition, contributed to and caused by a number of factors, such as hormones, stress, genetics and skin type. If you do suffer from acne, keep a log of what you're eating, and see if changing for a week does improve your skin.

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Q: Do you get pimples from sugar?
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The main reason for getting pimples is anything that can clog your pores: too much make-up, dirt, grease etc. can give you zits. Excessive candy consumption can make the problem worse, yes, but eating a lot of candy, in and of itself, does not cause pimples.

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yes it is very high in calories , raise blood sugar level which aggravate acne

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not sue but I know lemon juice works. Although the sugar probobly would help dry them out.

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No. Tea is very healthy and contains antioxidants some that can improve your complexion, unless you have sugar in it. I still have a little sugar in my tea to sweeten it, but too much sugar is bad for your skin and teeth. =)

Why are pimples called pimples?

Because you have to squeeZIT??

Are you dirty when you have pimples?

Pimples are common during puberty, due to hormonal spurt. You do not look dirty, when you have pimples. Late teenagers go on thinking about the pimples only. Almost every body gets the pimples and that is certainly not a crime to have pimples. So do not go on touching the pimples and do not squeeze them. You look beautiful by smile of the face, even with pimples there on your face.

Can you get pimples around your genitals?

that's not pimples

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Does chocolate form pimples?

Yes just about anything with sugar can form pimples it really also depends on what kind of skin you have. Some people are almost immune to acne or pimples. But some people (like me) get them without eating anything. It's just part of life and puberty. So just stick with yourself and wash your face everyday and you should be ok.

Where are pimples all located at?

Pimples can appear anywhere on your body. Pimples can appear anywhere on your body.