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Unless you know what they are in shock from, don't give acasualty anything by mouth. Shock can occur from several things, so you need to know why they are in shock. If it's a simple case of fainting due to excitement or low blood sugar then water in small quantities is fine. If it's due to bleeding and trauma from impact IE car accident etc. you want to avoid giving them anything until internal injuries are ruled out.

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Q: Do you give water to a person in shock?
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Do you give water to a peron in shock?

she is generous person give example .

Should you allow a shock victim to drink water?

Because the person in shock will choke on the food or drink

How does it help a person to drink sugar water when they are in shock?

I think the sugar gives them their breath/ energy back.

Why wouldn't you shock with an AED monitor?

The monitor will not give the shock.

Who can safely touch the injured person during shock delivery?

Nobody can safely touch the injured person during shock delivery. If anyone does, the shock will be transmitted to that person.

Can animals and plants get electric shock?

animals can but i think if a plant did it would die because it has so much water in it.

If a victim in shock is feeling cold is it a good idea to give him or her a drink of warm water?

no, never give a patent water ( exception to heat stroke or dehidration) a warm coat is a better alternative.

Can you die of shock?

Yes, a person can die of shock. When a person goes into shock they must be taken to a hospital immediately to receive the proper care.

What first aid should be given to person with electronic burns?

Give him a very strong electrical shock of 500 to 600 volts.

Things not to do when shock?

When a person is in shock, there are certain things that should not be done to them. An individual should not give the person in shock anything to eat or drink, should not wait to call 911 (because the condition could get worse) and should neither move the person nor elevate his or her legs if a spinal injury, head injury, neck injury and/or broken bones in the hips or legs are suspected.

What type of shock is caused by trauma?

Shock occurs due to massive bleeding and pain. Losing an arm will put a person into shock. Trauma will likely kill a person before it puts one into shock.

Why does flowing bath water sometimes give you an electric shock?

It could be that a heating element in your water heater, if is electric, is cracked. This would allow electricity to flow through the water and be felt in the stream of water.