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when God ordered the Israelites to use the blood of lambs or goats to make a sign on their door post so that in the night when HE is passing over Egypt to kill the first borns of humans and animals of the Egyptians the Israelites will be spared

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Where was the first passover?

The first Passover was in Egypt

What happened on the evening of good fiday?

If you believe as many do, that Jesus died on Passover, than Jesus died at the same time that the Passover Lamb was being killed in the temple. At 3:00 PM. So Jesus is our passover Lamb, the Feast of Passover was only a picture of what Jesus was going to do for us as Hebrew chapter 10 teaches us. There is some thought that Jesus died on Thrs. not Friday, But no matter what, it was the day of Passover. The mix up comes because the day after His dieth was the sabbath (Saturday). But the day after Passover is the day of Unleaven Bread. It is a high day, the same as a sabbath and is none as a sabbath. So that might be what is meant when the Bible says Sabbath.

How do you say Passover in french?

Passover is called "Pessa'h" in French. This is not a French word, but comes from Hebrew.

What is the correct wish for Passover - Is it Blessed Passover?

In Hebrew it is: Chag Pesach sameach In English it is: Happy Passover

When should a Passover gift arrive?

Before Passover.

What does passover and the exodus have in common?

Passover celebrates the Exodus.

Is Passover a Hindu festival?

No, Passover is a Jewish holiday.

Is there a sentence for passover?

"It's time to get ready for Passover."

In what country did Passover start?

The 1st passover was in Egypt.