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Yes you can, in some states Yes , in most states The age of majority in Alabama, Nebraska, and Wyoming is 19, in Washington D.C. and Mississippi it is 21, all other states it is 18. In all states there are exceptions, two of them are, if the person is married, and/or serving in the military. a child can get emancipated

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Q: Do you have to be 18 to legally get away from your parents?
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What all can an 18 year-old daughter do legally once her parents have stripped her rights as an adult away?

if your 18 your an adult they can not strip your rights away its illegal for them to do so. so do what ever you want

What age are your parents legally responsible for you in Indiana?

Parents in Indiana are legally responsible for their children until they reach the age of 18.

Can your parents legally tell you who you can and can not see after you turn 18?

No, once you turn 18, you are considered an adult and can make your own decisions about who you see. Your parents cannot legally control your relationships at that point.

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Do my parents have any legal grounds to take away my vehicle although both the title and insurance are in my name only?

If your under 18 and still considered a child your guardians or parents have a right morally and legally to take your car away if they feel it is too much of a hazard. If you are over 18 then they have no legal grounds to take away your car.

Are parents still legally responsible in any way for an 18 year old child in the state of Florida?

As long as the child is under the age of 18, the parents can be held liable. In some cases the parents can be relieved of the responsibility if there are indications that they have been trying to get them help.

When can a female legally move out of parents home?

18 years old

Are parents legally responsible for children age 18 or above in Alabama?

No they are not.

Can parents legally take away things that they did not buy for their children?

Some will say yes, parents can take away the gift to the offspring. some will say know. My opinion, when you offer someone a gift, you relinquish possession of the gift. Once given, then it's no longer yours.

Can you legally move out of parents home at the age of 17 in Utah?

In Utah, you can legally move out of your parents' home at age 17 with their consent. If your parents do not give consent, you would need to seek emancipation from the court, which can grant you legal independence before turning 18.

How do you get away from your parents legally?

To legally become independent from your parents, you typically need to reach the age of majority in your state or country, which is usually 18. You can also be considered legally emancipated by a court if you can prove that you are able to support yourself financially and make decisions independently. Consulting with a legal professional can provide guidance on the specific steps you need to take.

Can you leave your parents house at age 18 without getting in trouble?

yes legally. but its up to your parents