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no you do not have to pay monthly for a router, you buy the router outright from a shop or get it off your internet provider and then just pay the internet provider monthly for the internet connection.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Yes, because it is the ISP connection TO the router that gives you ineternet access not the router itself. You monthey charge is for the ISP service.

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Michael Dantoni

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3y ago

You can rent or buy an router outright. Some ISP;s modems also function as a router. IVC Telecom is such an ISP.

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Q: Do you have to pay month-to-month for Wi-fi when you already have a router?
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Do you need to pay for wifi with xbox wifi adapter?

You need pay only for the adapter. If you have a wireless router you will not have to pay to anybody for your WiFi. But you still have to for Internet.

Do you have to pay for wifi?

If you have your own router and adapter you dont have to pay for anything else.

Is wifi and Internet on the iPod touch free?

Yes, if you already have a wireless router (wi-fi) and the pay the monthly service, then yes it is free. There is no additional charge for using the internet on ipod touch.

Does an Ipod touch 4th generation 32gb have free wifi?

It has a wifi router which can be used to connect to any wifi hotspot. Some you pay for (like your home), some are free (like McDonalds or Starbucks)

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Yes, Nintendo Wi-Fi is free and comes preinstalled on the system. You will only have to pay the monthly fee that you already paying for that internet.

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If you have a DSL wireless router at home you are already paying for the WiFi internet connection. What you want to know is if the iPhone also has a charge each time you use it and that depends on your plan

How do you get WIFI in your house?

You could pay a cable company for Internet and they would supply it to your house. Then you would connect a modem to a tv jack and a router to the modem. Then you have wifi. For more information, you should contact a cable provider near you.

How do you get internet on you ipod touch?

you have to use wi-fi if you have a wirless router you do not have to pay monthly

How do you get wifi from computer without a router?

You can buy a pay-as-you-go (usb) memory stick thing. It picks up wi-fi signals while you are in the car or something.

How do you Obtain Free WiFi?

Most stores will give you a free wireless router. It's pretty easy, all you have to do is make a donation to their store equal to the number it says on the price tag of the router. Oh, and you also have to pay for the monthly service.

Does the mirage hotel have WIFI?

Yes, But you have to pay for in room wifi!

Can a router get wi-fi?

No, only computers that have internal wifi cards have access to a wifi source. A wireless router is the only way that a wifi signal is broadcast, but by adding a wireless device to your computer if it doesn't have an internal card, you can gain access to the router and the internet.