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Q: Do you have unlimited natural resources?
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Related questions

Are family resources unlimited?

Family resources are limited not unlimited.

What is the study of how to meet unlimited wants and unlimited resources?

the study of how to meet unlimited wants and limited resources is economics.

What are examples of unlimited resources?

Renewable resources, like solar, wind and water power are examples of unlimited resources.

Are resources unlimited?

No, none of them are except for 'natural' resources like wind, water and sunlight. Nuclear power would be almost unlimited, but its use is controversial and many countries are loath to expand its use and even consider closing existing facilities.

What are some examples of unlimited resources?

Renewable resources, like solar, wind and water power are examples of unlimited resources.

example of unlimited resorces?

Creative mode in minecraft have unlimited resources

What are the solutions of human wants are unlimited?

The solution of unlimited human wants are unlimited resources to satisfy those wants. Unfortunately, resources are limited and they will always be limited in comparison.

How do you use energy resources in a sentence?

Our energy resources are not unlimited.

Are natural resources and resources the samething?

No Beacause Most Natural Resources Are Natural And The Resources That Are Not Are Just Resources

Do ecosystems have unlimited resources?


What is a frontier environmental worldview?

Frontier Environmental Worldview states that humans should be able to exploit nature by consuming natural resources in unlimited amounts.

The conflict between unlimited desires and limited resources in government is?

The Answer is Not In Government It Is In Scarcity. Scarcity is the limited resources amd unlimited desires