

Do you keep the same cage the mother gerbil died in?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes you can as long as there is a fresh bedding and the cage was cleaned thoroughly

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Q: Do you keep the same cage the mother gerbil died in?
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How long do you have to keep gerbil's in their cage before holding them?

After 24 hours you can hold your gerbil. Or in other words, one day.

Should you put your gerbil in a cage?

Yes! You shouldn't keep any small pet outside a cage- they could easily escape or get stepped on.It is best to keep them in an aquarium at least ten gallons for each gerbil and then another 5 for each additional gerbil with at least 3 inches of bedding

Can a hamster and gerbil be kept in the same cage?

No. They may fight. All petshops should / will keep them separate

Can you keep a baby gerbil with it's mother?

yes i think so

Is it bad to keep gerbils in a hamster cage?

Im getting a Gerbil and the guy at the pet store said it was fine

Would a pet cat eat a pet gerbil?

Yes, it is possible and likely that the cat would try to catch, kill and maybe eat the gerbil. You should keep the gerbil in a cage that isn't accessible by the cat.

Does a gerbils cage need to be off the ground?

No. Just keep in mind when placing the cage that it it's a wire cage, gerbils will kick their shavings everywhere and it will most likely Mae a mess around the outside of the cage. Also keep in mind that if the door is left open or the lid is left off or whatever, they will probably take the escape chance. With the cage on the floor, the gerbil's free to go. With it on a table, the gerbil may be trapped, or, they may jump and get themselves hurt. Just think out the scenerios when placing the cage.

Where do you keep the mother hamster after they've given birth?

you should keep it in a separate cage

How do you encourage a gerbil to groom regularly?

Keep its cage and bedding clean. Provide ample water and food. Most of these will do what they need to stay healthy on their own.

Do you keep the father gerbil in with the mother and babies?

I would advise against it, male gerbils occasionally eat offspring.

What do you do if your hamster forgets one of her babies out of her house?

if she keeps the baby out of her house it probably means she doesn't want it. so you have to keep the baby in its own small cage and keep it warm cos if it stays in the cage with its mother the mother will eat it.

Will the 4 week old babies hurt the newborn baby?

There is a possibility that the four week old babies would be interested in the new born pups but , ultimately the mother gerbil will protect the babies and keep them occupied. Also the pups usually sleep and maintain in a corner of a cage or tank.