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Thank You for asking. Yes i loved this movie. The reason i loved this movie is because it is filled with drama and first love. Also, this movie is great for people that likes suspense. Also read the book too! It's really good. Like the movie. Winnie Foster is a great character. U probably know who she is. She is Alexis Bledel. She is a really good actress! Enjoy the movie i hope you like it!!

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Q: Do you like tuck everlasting the movie?
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Did you like the movie tuck everlasting?

No it was horrible.

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Jonathan Jackson played Jesse Tuck in the movie Tuck Everlasting.

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Sissy Spacek

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Mr.Tuck looks in his 30s. =)

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Who is the author OS tuck everlasting?

Tuck Everlasting was written by Natalie Babbit in 1975.