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NO. Hens will do well on scratch grains and corn but the addition of the extra proteins and calcium in layer feed make better quality eggs and shell. Without the layer MASH you will need to add a source of calcium such as dry ground egg shells or oyster shells.

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Q: Do you need to feed chickens laying mash?
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What to feed a chicken?

Baby chicks should be fed a specially formulated chick starter or chick feed. Laying hens need high-protein laying mash supplemented with crushed oyster shells for added calcium. Roosters and meat chickens need a good grain mix, such as broiler feed or chicken scratch. All chickens will do well with some access to grass and bugs as well as produce scraps

When should you start feeding chickens laying mesh?

Chicks can be slowly weaned off chick crumble at about 6 weeks. Start by adding a small amount of chick grower each day until you no longer need the smaller size feed. Layer complete or laying mash can be started at about 16 weeks.

What do you feed laying hens?

A hen doesn't necessarily have to be fattened up for laying, but they do need to be in very good condition. Laying hens need lots of protein and minerals, a good feed should have at least 13% protein, and it doesn't hurt to add a source of calcium (such as ground oyster shell). The extra calcium helps the hens to lay stronger-shelled eggs.

How old do chickens need to be before they lay eggs?

Most chickens are between 5-6 months old before they start laying eggs and will lay eggs for about two years. Some chickens will start laying at 4.5 months, but this is rare and probably due to hormones in their feed.

What will help your chicks lay eggs they are not laying?

Your chickens may not be getting enough good food to eat They need wheat and laying mash They need greens like cabbage lettuce etc or wild greens They need really a good mixed diet They also need grit to strenghten the egg shell

What do bantam chickens eat?

bantam chickens eat the same stuff as regular chickens such as corn, layer pellets or mash and of course bugs! as baby's bantam chickens may need to be on mash longer then the regular chickens and you will have too show them how to drink by dipping their beak in the water dish gently.

We bought are chickens in August and the man said they were already laying but they aren't laying?

Hopefully your chickens are laying now but usually when you get them they should lay after 2-3 weeks. This is because they need to get used to their new surrounding and the atmosphere.

What kind of people food is ok for chicks or chickens how about ripe bananas?

Most human food is OK to feed chickens. Feed as a treat not as the only source, chickens need certain vitamins and minerals to produce eggs and stay healthy. Chicken feed and laying mash have added nutrients they need. Fruit of any kind is welcome at the chicken dinner table.They might not eat the banana skins but the pulp is gobbled up quickly. Do not start feeding young chicks table scraps too early as they have smaller crops and should be on chick starter until about 4 months old. Some exceptions to this are raw potato skins/rhubarb/tomato leaves. These have chemicals that can be bad for the chickens. Some of these reduce the amounts of calcium the chicken needs.

Does feeding hens oats help to start laying?

No. Pullets need an increase in protein and calcium weeks before the first egg is produced. A balanced laying mash or pelletized feed is best. Oats, while happily accepted by the birds is more expensive than cracked corn feed but can be added to daily hen scratch.

Do baby chickens need grit?

No! In fact they can choke on it. When you go to the feed store tell them what age chickens you have and they will help you select the appropriate feed.

How do you make your chickens weight go up or make them fat?

Feed your chickens "Calf Manna" search at local country shops that deals with animals. Chicks start out on what is known as "chick starter" which is fine grained meal and can be bought medicated or plain. This allows their small beaks and new digestive system to handle eating in the first days. At about two weeks they can be switched to a "grower mash". "Grower mash" is similar to chick starter with small amounts of protein and fats and is a little larger in size. At age 6 to 8 weeks they can be given "chick builder" which increases all the nutrients they need and builds muscle and fat. They can stay on this until they are ready to produce eggs and then are switched to Laying mash. At all times they can be offered scratch which is basic grains of various types. (snackfood for chickens)

What food would be best for a chicken?

Hens should be fed a laying feed - such as mash, pellets, or crumbles ( I prefer crumbles. They can eat them better.) During the winter time, they should be given corn or scratch to help preserve body heat. Chickens also need CONSTANT access to grit. Also, it would be a good Idea for hens to have access to some sort of calcium at all times.