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Q: Do you show earlier with the more pregnancies you have?
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At what month do pregnancies show?

Most pregnancies do not begin to show until 5 months or later. It also depends on how big the woman was before hand. Thinner girls tend to show earlier.

When does a pregnancy show if it is not your first?

Every woman is different, but usually you would show earlier than your first. It also depends on how close the pregnancies were. The closer they are together, typically the sooner you would show.

Why does your veins show more during pregnancies?

because you have more blood going through you and its pumping faster to get to baby.

How many pregnancies are ectopic?

More than 1% of pregnancies are ectopic, and they are becoming more common

What are fourth pregnancy differences from previous pregnancies?

Every pregnancy is different. I am pregnant with my fifth child and it is totally different. What I notice is my tummy is expanding earlier than the first two and I am more susceptible to pulling my abdomen muscles. I am glad to tell you that I can feel the baby moving earlier than other pregnancies. Each pregnancy causes your muscles to relax just a bit more and with this pregnancy and the one before I was able to feel the baby move earlier than with the others.

Would there be any reason to have a sonogram at 4 weeks?

I always have a sonogram at 4 weeks or earlier. I have a history of ectopic pregnancies.

When is Hyperemesis usually seen?

Hyperemesis is seen more often in first pregnancies and multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.)

When you are pregnant when do your stomach get hard?

Hello, During your first pregnancy your pregnancy will take longer to become more noticeable. If this is not your first pregnancy and is your second, third, etc then you will usually show earlier. The stomach usually becomes hard around the fourth month or later, into your pregnancy. Once again, it depends whether this is your first or later pregnancy. Multiple pregnancies usually show earlier. Also, if you are overweight or have extra fat on your stomach, this may result in your tummy not feeling hard until you are further along into your pregnancy.

Can you still fall pregnant after two eptopic pregnancies?

Usually but only your doctor can answer that. But there is a increased risk for more ectopic pregnancies after the first one.

When do pregnant women typically start showing?

Every woman and every pregnancy is different. First time pregnancies usually take longer to show than repeat pregnancies. Some women can show as early as 10-12 weeks while others show in the teens and others the 20's. Some women never really show at all.

How long will it be before guinea pigs show signs that they are pregnant?

Guinea pigs pregnancies last for 10weeks

Is it possible to be showing at 5 weeks pregnant?

Women who have had previous pregnancies may feel like they are showing at 5 weeks or even earlier, because they look/feel bloated. This is also a common symptom during a menstrual cycle, and may just be hormones, and not your uterus. But it is possible to show that early, especially if there is more than one fetus.