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More than 1% of pregnancies are ectopic, and they are becoming more common

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Q: How many pregnancies are ectopic?
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Related questions

Do IUDs lead to ectopic pregnancies?

Among women who become pregnant while using a progesterone-bearing IUD, about 15% have ectopic pregnancies

How common are etopic pregnancies?

An ectopic pregnancy is estimated to occur in up to 1 out of every 50 pregnancies.

Is an ectopic pregnancy good or bad?

Ectopic pregnancies are very dangerous. Usually fatal for the fetus, it can also endanger the life of the mother and frequently results in a loss of fertility. Ectopic pregnancies result when a fertilized egg attaches outside of the uterus.

Can you feel the baby kick during ectopic pregnancy?

No - ectopic pregnancies are not viable at the length of time required to experience kicking.

Is there an odor in an ectopic pregnancy?

yes i believe there is an odor to ectopic pregnancies also seems to cause recuring cystitis in some women

Can you still fall pregnant after two eptopic pregnancies?

Usually but only your doctor can answer that. But there is a increased risk for more ectopic pregnancies after the first one.

What do you do when you have an etopical pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy, or eccyesis, is a complications-of-pregnancyin which the pregnancy implants outside the uterus. With rare exceptions, ectopic pregnancies are not viable. Furthermore, they are dangerous for the mother, internal bleeding being a common complication. Most ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian-tube(so-called tubal pregnancies), but implantation can also occur in the cervix, ovary, and abdomen. An ectopic pregnancy is a potential medical-emergency, and, if not treated properly, can lead to death.

Can pregnancy develop outside of the uterus?

Yes. it's called ectopic. it can grow in the tubes or even the cervix or ovaries.Yes, although they have a really low rate of living. Also, if they do like they will have a mental illness/retardation.

What if your last pregnancy was ectopic so how soon should you see the midwife?

If your last pregnancy was ectopic then you should have constant check ups if you are currently pregnant. There are risks associated with women who have had ectopic pregnancies. A doctor will evaluate your situation.

Where does ectopic pregnancies occur?

in your filopain tube (however you spell that) if you have one it will hav eto be removed though

Can bad sperm cause ectopic pregnancy?

No, the sperms are not to blame. 1/50 of all pregnancies is a ectopic one and the risk is increased once you've had one. Reasons for ectopic and more you can read in the link below.

Can an ectopic pregnancy occur while using an IUD?

The IUD reduces the risk of all kinds of pregnancy, so an ectopic is less likely in women who use the IUD than in women who are not using birth control. However, among pregnancies occurring with the IUD in place, a greater ''proportion'' are ectopic than pregnancies among women not using birth control.