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2d ago

A comma is typically used before "nor" when it is connecting two independent clauses. For example: "She did not want to go, nor did she have time."

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Q: Do you use a comma before or after the word nor?
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Do you use a comma after the word nor?


Is there a comma before the word because?

A comma is not required before the word "because" when it is used in the middle of a sentence for a standard causal relationship. However, if "because" is used at the beginning of a sentence to introduce the reason, a comma is usually used after it.

Comma before or after the word but?

The comma should come before the word "but" when it is used to separate two independent clauses. For example: "I wanted to go to the store, but it started raining."

Do you use a comma after the word before?


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Do you use a comma before the word 'too'?

Not necessarily. There is no word in English that requires a comma.

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I do not use a comma before and after that word, therefore you will not see it in any sentence I have written.

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Do you use a comma before the word so?

You do not always need to use a comma with the word sobut if you do, it is best to only use the comma before the word. An example is "The travellers faced a long drive home, so they decided to stop at MacDonald's first."