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Not according to the Chicago Manual of Style. They use a comma before the including.

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Q: Do you put a semi-colon before the word including then comma after that word including?
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Does a comma go before including?

It depends. Simply put, if:- the "including" modifies the word before it, then "No comma" (E.g., "Books including the new drawings in them... .")- the "including" lists parts/examples of the word before it, then "Yes, add a comma" (E.g., "Books, including booklets, dictionaries, directories, atlases, ... .")

A sentence with the word semicolon?

I can give you several sentences.You use a semicolon to separate two clauses.A semicolon is like a comma with a period on top of it.You need to learn how to use the semicolon properly.

Can you use a semicolon with the word including?

Yes, you can use a semicolon before the word "including" when it separates items in a list within a sentence. For example, "There are many countries known for their delicious cuisine; including Italy, France, and Japan."

Does a comma go before the word in?

No, a comma does not go before the word 'in'.

Do you use and after a semicolon?

No, the word "and" should not follow a semicolon. Semicolons are used to separate independent clauses; if you want to include "and," it would typically be used within one of the independent clauses separated by the semicolon.

Does and go before or after a semicolon?

It goes after a semicolon. "And" is a word that finishes off a idea/list, so it has to go after a semicolon.

Is there a comma before and after the word or?

the comma would be before Or In A Sentencee. =]

Is a comma a conjunction?

No, a comma is not a conjunction. A comma is a punctuation mark used to separate elements in a sentence, whereas a conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses.

Does the comma go before the word because?

Not necessarily. There is no word in English that requires a comma before or after it.

Do you write comma before and?

Not necessarily. There is no word in English that requires a comma after it or before it.

Should there be a comma before the word inc?

"Inc" is not a word, it's an abbreviation for "Incorporated," and there should be a comma before it.

What punctuation is used with the word including?

The word "including" is typically followed by a comma when introducing examples or a list of items. For example: "I enjoy many outdoor activities, including hiking, biking, and swimming."