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Your doctor says you can't get pregnant. We don't have as much information about your medical history, physical, and labs as your doctor. If you don't trust the doctor's opinion, get a second opinion from another health care provider who can evaluate your history, physical, and labs.

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Q: Doctor says I'm menopausal and can't get pregnant at 51 years with estrogen level of 54. Elevated FSH not sure what he said. Mild hot flashes for 1 year. Was using Micronor not now. Am I safe?
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To be menopausal, your period must have been absent for at least one year. After that, you are most likely menopausal and have a very slim chance that you will get pregnant.

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If you are pre-menopausal (menstruation/your period has not stopped), then it is possible to become pregnant.

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The roundness and tenderness is related to estrogen levels. Estrogen levels rise and fall when you are not pregnant, and when you are pregnant estrogen levels rise substantially.

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No. The items sold over the counter are plant based estrogen and not very strong. Go to the doctor to have help getting pregnant.

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progesterone in getting pregnant and estrogen in staying pregnant---so you need both good luck Joymaker RN

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Extra estrogen

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Generally if you're pregnant, you would not be menopausal. Menopause is the end of the fertile period in a women's life.

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