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In most women, Birth Control lightens periods and pain. Often times though, these side effects are worse when first starting the pill. It can take several cycles for your body to become regulated. Anyway, if you're suffering these side effects, let your prescriber know. A different pill will probably solve the problem.

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Q: Does Birth control cause bleeding and pain?
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Can stopping the birth control pill cause leg pain?

If you are having leg pain you should see a doctor because birth control can cause blood clots and they are painful and very dangerous if not treated. Leg pain is not a sign of birth control withdrawal.

Should you stop taking the birth control pills when you got your period already?

No, you should always take your birth control pills as scheduled regardless of bleeding. Contact your health care provider if you have pain or unusual vaginal discharge along with the unscheduled bleeding.

If my period starts a week early should I start the new pack of birth control pills a week earlier?

No, you should continue to take your birth control pills as scheduled regardless of any bleeding. If the bleeding is troublesome, heavy, or is accompanied by pelvic pain, pain with urination, or unusual vaginal discharge, see your health care provider.

Why am i having occasionally bleeding..stomach pain..back pain.. and all the symptoms of pregnancy when i have an IUD in and all the pregnancy test are negative?

Bleeding, stomach pain, and back pain are not pregnancy symptoms. Your pregnancy test is negative and you are using effective birth control. Please see your health care provider to find out why you're having pain.

How long does it take for a period to stop when your body is acting up on birth control?

It's possible to have unscheduled bleeding in the first three months of birth control use. After that, you should settle into a more regular pattern. There is no medical phenomenon thought of as "your body acting up on birth control." If you are bleeding heavily, have been bleeding for a prolonged period, or have additional symptoms like pain or unusual vaginal discharge, you should contact your health care provider.

Is it normal that in a pregnancy you get two drops of blood but no pain?

It could be - if you are using hormonal birth control (like the Pill) it could also be break-through or withdrawal bleeding.

Does birth control cause bad cramps?

No - oral contraceptive pills usually decrease menstrual pain. The cramps we get during our periods are usually due to the uterus contracting in order to get rid of the endometrium (which is the bleeding we get). Oral contraceptive pills reduce these contractions and should therefore reduce the pain. If your cramps are getting worse, there may be some other reason for this and you should make an appointment with your doctor.

Can you be pregnant but still have your period if you're on birth control?

If a woman has a period, it is unlikely that she is pregnant; however, birth control is not 100% effective. The bleeding you have while on birth control is not actually a period; it is withdrawal bleeding, a reaction to lower hormones in the days you use a placebo pill. If you're having a typical withdrawal bleed, chances are low that you are pregnant. If you're pregnant, you will not have a normal withdrawal bleed. However you may experience brown vaginal bleeding or no bleeding at all. Even without the birth control pill, some pregnant women have bleeding (similar, but not equal, to a period) in the first month. This spotting is common, and doesn't mean that something is wrong with the pregnancy. But if you're having bleeding or spotting with a positive pregnancy test, contact your health care provider today. If you're having pain, bleeding, and a positive pregnancy test, go to the emergency room. Pregnancy with bleeding while on birth control is possible. First, birth control pills are not 100% effective and it is possible to become pregnant while on them. Second, bleeding during pregnancy is possible, but usually signals a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Why would a girl still bleed after her period if she's on birth control?

I'm not sure what the difference is between bleeding during your period and bleeding "after your period" in the first three months of birth control pill use, you may have unscheduled bleeding. This side effect usually goes away after three months. If you're having bleeding that's troublesome, or that's associated with pain or unusual vaginal discharge, talk to your health care provider.

Should you continue to take birth control pills even if you start bleeding during your active pills?

You should continue to take the birth control pill even if you experience breakthrough bleeding. Stopping the pill is more likely to make the bleeding worse instead of better, and stopping will end your pregnancy protection. If the bleeding is troublesome or associated with other symptoms such as painful urination, painful sex, pelvic pain, or abnormal vaginal discharge, see your health care provider.

what cause pain in right sid, lwere pelvic soreness and light vaginal bleeding?

what causes pain in right side and peliv area and light vaginal bleeding

Can birth control fail while you are on pain pills?

no it will not