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The preposition cum governs the ablative case, so you would need to say cum caritate.

"Pluck" is the literal translation of carpe, but "seize" is a traditional translation that captures the sense of the saying. Caritas is literally "dearness", with connotations, as in English, both of costliness and of affection. It is used by St. Paul in I Corinthians 13:13, in the passage translated "faith, hope and charity" in the King James Version and "faith, hope and love" in more modern translations. For the modern sense of "charity" as "gifts to the poor", the best Latin translation is eleemosyna, a borrowing from Greek.

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Q: Does Carpe diem cum caritas mean Pluck or Seize the day with charity or love?
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capre vita - seize life carpe diem - seize the day -Typo - should be carpe vita

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