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china has the larhest population throughout the world, and therefore, hundreds of thousands of vehichles are being driven every single day.they have even made a law in china that you have to have even and odd number plate days. if your number plate finishes on a even number, monday, Wednesday, and Friday and Sunday are the only days you can drive, and if it ends on an odd number, tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays, are the only days you can drive, however because one number has more days one week than the other, the days swap over each week. the polution from the petrol we put in our cars is creating greenhouse gasses. these gasses are surrounding the earth, and cannot get out of our ozone layer. he ozone layer is the line of protection arround the earth. it stops so much light from the sun getting through. it is a natural thing, and still very useful as it prevents the hole earth burning.temperatures right around the earth would be boiling even in winter. because it stops dangerous chemicles, and lots of light, from coming through, it also stops the greenhouse gasses from getting out. these greenhouse gasses from the petrol, are making the earth warmer, and melting ice caps in Antarctica and the arctic. these melt down and breaak off the icey land at the north and south pole. as there is more water in the ocean one they melt, sea levels willl rise, and places like Venice, shanghai, New York, and thousands of towns and countries on the coast , will flood right up to the roofs of the buildings. it will be an absolute disaster, and the worst event that has happened to the earth ever, and if we survive it, probably the worst that will happen ever. unless everyone around the world decides to make a change, and do simple things like: turn offf the lights when you don't need them, only have 1 light on if you do need them, walk or ride scooters, skateboards or push bikes, to stop the polution coming from cars, and be as environmentaly friendly as you can. my name is ben Robinson, and if you would like to ask me any more questions about anything, my email is: i am only 11, but i answered this question off the top of my head, so im sure i can answer any other questions you have. thankyou for reading my answer.

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12y ago
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12y ago

As a nation, China cares about global warming because it is one of the countries that face real risks as a result of global warming.

Some important urban areas, along with much of China's most productive land, are in low-lying areas such as the Yangze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, and these risk inundation as a result of sea level rises associated with global warming.

China is, on balance, self-sufficient in food production, but faces real risks if food production continues to be disrupted by both drought and flood. Major storm events such as typhoons are also a concern for the country's leadership.

Although, as a developing nation, China is exempt from any targets under the Kyoto Protocol, it is making real progress in achieving carbon emission savings and its achievements to date have been compared favourably with those of developed countries.

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12y ago

Although China, as a developing nation, was excluded from mandatory targets in the Kyoto Protocol, the country has made substantial progress towards reducing the growth in its greenhouse gas emissions. The government has mandated the phasing out of older and more inefficient electricity generators.

As a proportion of GDP, China was found to be mid-range in its allocation of resources to abatement policies in the electricity generation sector, along with Australia and the United States. China is also considering trialling a pilot ETS in some provinces as part of its 12th Five Year Plan.

Clearly, China takes climate change seriously.

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9y ago

Although, as a developing nation, China is exempt from any targets under the Kyoto Protocol, it is making real progress in achieving carbon emission savings and its achievements to date have been compared favourably with those of developed countries. Some of the programs planned or already implemented:

  • We may disagree with nuclear energy, but China is planning a rapid deployment of additional nuclear power stations;
  • Several major hydro-electric works, including the mammoth Three Gorges project which dwarfs anything else in the world;
  • Large wind farms, even in the sea off Shanghai;
  • A nation-wide network of efficient, high speed rail, to minimise the use of cars for long distance travel;
  • A nation-wide network of very-fast rail under construction, which will effectively compete with internal air travel and, again, motor vehicle transport; this will become the largest very-fast rail system in the world;
  • The large cities, and increasingly medium-sized cities of China, have constructed efficient metro-style electric rail services to minimise the attractiveness of motor vehicle transport for commuting;
  • Inefficient coal-fired power stations being phased out;
  • Natural gas power stations being installed;
  • Increased taxes on larger cars to encourage smaller vehicles;
  • Electric bicycles encouraged as the preferred mode of personal transport, and in widespread use;
  • Every city has a network of dedicated cycleways to encourage travel by bicycle and electric bicycle;
  • A carbon price planned for 2011.
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10y ago

China has a huge developing population that is now wanting to improve its lifestyle. This includes cars, televisions and refrigerators that are all dependent on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). China is only beginning to curtail its emissions.

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12y ago

China emits the most greenhouse gases because it burns more fossil fuel than any other country in the world. Next comes the United States.

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Q: Does China believe in global warming?
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Are there politicians that don't believe in global warming?

Yes. Many politicians, mostly conservatives, do not believe in global warming.

Who are the global warming skeptics?

Global warming skeptics do not believe the geoscientists, engineers and meteorologists round the world. The skeptic individuals believe that nature is the primary cause of global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.

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Why do some scientists believe global warming is a threat world wide?

Because it is GLOBAL, not local warming.

How does global warming affect China?

Global warming is global, so it affecting China the same as other countries. Temperatures are rising, as are sea levels. Glaciers are melting and China's great rivers may lose their reservoirs of ice.

Do you believe in global warming as a threat?

Oh yes!

Are there skeptics of global warming?

There are people who don't believe global warming is happening.There are people who believe it is happening but don't believe that humans are causing it.There are people who believe all the climate scientists who believe it is happening and that we are causing it.

How Many scientists don't believe in global warming?

Not many. Most (97% of) climate scientists agree that the earth is warming and that humans are causing global warming by burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests.

Do evolutionists believe in global warming?

Not necessarily, as belief in evolution and belief in global warming don't really have anything to do with each other. That said, a person who believes in evolution is probably more likely to believe in global warming, as they tend to listen to what scientists say, and scientists are the biggest advocates for global warming being real.

What do people believe about climate changes and global warming?

People believe that man is causing global warming and climate change by burning fossil fuels and cutting down the forests of the world.Other people believe that global warming is a natural event and man is not causing it.Most believe that it is partially a natural issue that man is having some unknown affect on as well. This is where most scientists fall.Other people believe that global warming is not happening at all.

What do the opponents of the global warming theory believe?

They believe what 31,479 scientists believe: there is no man-caused global warming. They all signed a petition saying so. Out of those 31,479, about 9,000 are climate scientists.