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When protein synthesis must take place, the code to make the protein is on the DNA in the nucleus but the protein is made at a ribosomal site in the cytoplasm. The code is copied from the DNA by a special molecule called messenger RNA (mRNA) which leaves the nucleus through a pore to go to the ribosome.

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15y ago
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11y ago

DNA direct protein synthesis by thickening and then unzipping and then being copied onto messenger RNA and then being put onto ribosomes and then being paired with the pairing nucleotide and then being used to create amino acid and then these are transported outside of the cell.

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7y ago

Making Proteins (Protein Synthesis) Chromosomes are located in the nucleus of the cell. Chromosomes are made up of long strands of tightly wound DNA molecules held together with proteins. A section of the DNA molecule that controls the development of certain characteristics is called a gene.

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15y ago

DNA is the genetic code (A-T,C-G) that when read, give the code to make a certain type of protein.

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12y ago

I think it might be Transcription and Translation.

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Q: Does DNA directly controls protein synthesis?
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What is the job of the dna?

DNA directly controls protein replication and synthesis.

True are false does DNA directly control protein synthesis?

I would say the answer is probably false. It is more like DNA indirectly controls protein synthesis. Protein synthesis occurs outside of the nucleus using mRNA, tRNA, and ribosomes primarily.

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The presence of DNA is important for cellular metabolic activities because DNA?

It directs the production of enzymes.

Using RNA as a template for protein synthesis instead of translating proteins directly from the DNA is advantageous fro the cell because?

Using RNA as a template for protein synthesis allows for the DNA to remain protected and stable in the cell nucleus while the RNA carries the genetic information to the ribosomes for protein production. RNA is more versatile and can be easily modified or degraded if needed, providing the cell with a flexible and dynamic way to control protein synthesis. Additionally, using RNA as an intermediate step allows for faster and more efficient protein synthesis compared to directly translating proteins from DNA.

What is DNA to RNA to protein?

Protein synthesis

what is a copy of DNA that is used to direct the synthesis of a specific protein?

A gene is a segment of DNA that is used to direct the synthesis of a specific protein.

Know that one purpose of dna is protein synthesis making protiens?

Yes, one practical purpose of DNA is protein synthesis

What is directly formed from this template of DNAserves as the template to initiate protein synthesis?

The intermediate molecule formed between DNA and protein is mRNA (messenger RNA). The process in which the DNA sequence is copied to an RNA sequence is called transcription. The process in which the mRNA template is read to produce protein is called translation (protein synthesis)

What is the process called where protein synthesis starts in the ribosomes?

Protein synthesis when RNA polymerase attaches to the DNA at a specific area called the promoter region. The information in DNA is not directly converted into proteins, but must first be copied into RNA. This ensures that the information contained within the DNA does not become tainted.

What is the control center of the cell that's necessary for cell division and cell life?

The nucleus, which contains the cell's DNA. DNA controls the cell's activities through protein synthesis.

In gene expression and protein synthesis information flows from?

DNA --> RNA --> Proteins -----------------------------------------That simple.