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At 80 years I accept that a tendency to arthritis is to be experienced, however I am convinced that eating a quantity of lettuce (not necessarily iceberg) produces joint pain - particularly the knees. I have suspected this for some time but I have found no comment from others or on the internet suggesting a similar experience.

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There is no direct link between iceberg lettuce and joint pain. However, some individuals with specific conditions like Arthritis may find that certain foods, like those high in certain inflammatory compounds, can aggravate their symptoms. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the relationship between diet and joint pain in individual cases.

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Q: Does Iceberg lettuce cause increased pain in the joints?
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What part of the body does dislocation effect?

Dislocation affects the joints in the body, where the bones are forced out of their normal positions. This can cause pain, swelling, and limited mobility in the affected joint. It is important to seek medical attention for proper treatment.

Is it bad to pop your joints?

Occasional joint popping is generally not harmful, but excessive or forceful popping could potentially lead to joint damage over time. If popping your joints is causing pain, stiffness, or swelling, it may be best to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying issues.

Is it true men that men wake up with extended penises?

No, it's a myth that men wake up with extended penises. During sleep, the body goes through various stages, including REM sleep, where increased blood flow to the genitals can cause erections, but not physical lengthening of the penis.

Why should you not spend time in the sun?

Excessive sun exposure can lead to skin damage, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. It is important to protect your skin by wearing sunscreen, seeking shade, and wearing protective clothing to reduce these risks.

Does pregnancy affect the development of wrinkles and fine lines?

Pregnancy can have a temporary impact on the skin, causing changes like increased blood flow and pigmentation, but it does not directly affect the development of wrinkles and fine lines. Factors like genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle choices play a more significant role in skin aging.

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What cause leave to be clear on iceberg lettuce?

There is a certain type of butterfly that feeds on the colour of iceberg lettuce. If they didn't exist, iceberg lettuce would be bright pink!

Can iceburg lettuce cause death to a rabbit or is it safe for them to eat?

Iceberg lettuce can NOT cause a rabbit death but it has no nutrients value and it COULD get your rabbit sick. Overall, iceberg lettuce for your rabbit should be avoided.

Is iceburg lettuce the worst kind of lettuce to eat?

Yes, thousands of people died because of an iceberg in the water, you do not simply eat peoples cause of death in lettuce form

What will happen if you fed your guinea pig iceberg lettuce?

Iceberg Lettuce is not Guinea Pig food and is not a healthy part of their diet. Guinea pigs may eat little pieces of iceberg lettuce as a treat, but will get no nutrition from it other than a little water. Guinea pigs that are given large amounts of iceberg lettuce will fill up on this food which has no nutrition, and it then prevents them from eating as much of their good foods. Eating a diet with lots of iceberg lettuce can cause them to be malnourished, get sick and die if only given iceberg lettuce (sad but true, this lettuce is inexpensive so people may be tempted to give it daily like food- causing their guinea pigs to die of starvation). Guinea pigs need lots of timothy hay and vitamin C rich pellets as the staple of their diet. Things like carrots, oranges, blueberries, green leafy vegetables are great snacks that give them lots of vitamins. Iceberg gives no vitamins, no calories, but makes them feel full- so iceberg lettuce should only be given as a treat in small amounts and try to give them green lettuces instead- the darker the lettuce (spinach) the more nutritional value. Guinea pigs are not allergic to iceberg and will not have an adverse reaction to iceberg- it is safe to give in very small amounts.

Was an iceberg the cause of the Titanic sinking or human error?

An iceberg

Why can iceberg lettuce be dangerous?

Warm temperatures allow certain bacteria to multiply very fast. It depends what kind of bacteria are on the iceberg lettuce as to whether or not it would be dangerous. If the lettuce has been contaminated with pathogens, it could be dangerous whether or not it has been refrigerated.

Can lettuce cause drowsiness?

No. But not being hungry can allow you to sleep.

A large chunk of ice afloat in the ocean?

This large chunk of ice afloat in the ocean is likely a part of an iceberg that has broken off from a glacier or ice shelf. It can pose a hazard to ships as it can be difficult to spot and navigate around, especially in low visibility conditions. These icebergs can also contribute to rising sea levels as they melt and introduce freshwater into the ocean.

Why is the straight of belle isle is called iceberg alley?

cause it is icey and as cold and it looks like an iceberg alley

What was the real cause for the sinking of the titanic?

It really was an iceberg!

Is lettuce safe to fed your pet rabbit?

Some lettuce is poisonous to rabbits and can cause stomachaches. some lettuce can even be fatal.

Did the Jesuits cause the Titanic disaster?

No, an iceberg sunk the Titanic.