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Although Justice Stevens was the subject of rumors and speculation about being in poor health back in 2006, he is, in fact, extremely healthy, particularly for a man of 89. Stevens intends to remain on the Court for the 2009-2010 Term, but has hired only one law clerk for the 2010-2011 Term, indicating his intent to retire at the conclusion of the 2010 Term, next June.

According to US News & World Report: "From November to April, Stevens and his wife spend two weeks of every month in their condo in Florida. While there, he maintains a vigorous exercise schedule: daily ocean swims, tennis at least three times a week, and Golf two to three times a week."

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Justice John Paul Stevens was born April 20, 1920.

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US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens' official title is "Senior Associate Justice," meaning he is the associate justice with the longest tenure on the Court. Stevens was nominated by President Gerald Ford, and commissioned in 1975, more than 34 years ago.

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President Ford nominated Justice John Paul Stevens to the US Supreme Court in 1975. Justice Stevens retired in June 2009 and was succeeded by Justice Sotomayor.

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Retired US Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens is 97 years old (birthdate: April 20, 1920).

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Associate Justice John Paul Stevens achieved a BA in English from the University of Chicago in 1941, and is a 1947 magna cum laude graduate of Northwestern University School of Law.

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Is Justice John Paul Stevens a Republican or Democrat?

The Justices are supposed to be non-partisan and typically don't discuss their party affiliations; however, Stevens was a Republican when appointed.President Gerald Ford nominated Justice Stevens to the US Supreme Court in 1975. At the time of his appointment, Justice Stevens was considered moderately conservative; however, his views have become more progressive during his tenure on the Court.

In what year was Justice John Paul Stevens named to the US Supreme Court?

President Gerald Ford appointed Justice Stevens to succeed William O. Douglas in 1975. For more information, see Related Questions, below.