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ALL water is recycled. Almost no new water is being created. Used liquids (water and things made with water) travel through sewers to large water bodies (or are absorbed into the ground). It then evaporates, eventually becomes clouds, rains and fills reservoirs, becomes drinking water, is excreted or becomes urine or sweat, reenters the sewer system and goes around again.

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Q: Does NYC use recycled water for drinking?
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Which types of water are collected and recycled for use on the international space station?

All forms of water are recycled :)

What is an acceptable use for recycled water?

Recycled water can be used in ponds and streams, in irrigation facilities, industrial uses, and in dust control. Recycled water is sometimes called reclaimed water.

Why you use recycled water?

You have recycled & reclaimed witch is all most the same thing. Recyled water can be used to water city or private properties &; parks also you're tolit water is recycled & reenterduced back into the water supply

Can you use drinking water in batteries?

No, use distilled water.

How is the Mississippi used do people use it as drinking water or boats?

Obviously drinking water.

What is the difference between water conservation andrecycling water?

Water Conservation means to save fresh water. Use water sparingly. Water recycling, on the other hand means to treat and clean waste water. Recycled water, however, is not fit for drinking. Given below is a link to a great section on how to conserve water, by Check it out.

Should Australia use recycled water for human consumption?

only when it is filtered

What kind of water do people use?

drinking water and rain water

What is a sentence on drinking water?

Most people were drinking beer but John was drinking water.

Why recycled water should be used?

so that we can re-use our water safely and understand that we will not run out of clean and purified water

How do people use fresh water?

They use it for cooking, boiling, drinking, and last is cleaning

How do killer whales use water?

By drinking it