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If a Catholic has committed a mortal sin, then he must confess this sin to a priest in the Sacrament of Confession before he can receive Communion. If he has committed only venial sins, then he is free to receive Communion without going to Confession, and his reception of Communion will actually result in the forgiveness of those venial sins.

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Q: Does a Catholic have to confess to a priest before communion?
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What must you do before receiving holy communion if you have a mortal sin?

You need to confess your sins to a priest in the sacrament of reconciliation

Is there a priest at a Holy Communion service?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe only times that a Catholic Church would have a Communion service would be if a priest were not available. In my diocese the rules are that a parish may have a Communion service on one Sunday out of the year if it is impossible to get a priest. The Vatican forbids Communion services during the week, and on a regular basis. There had to have been a priest there before the Communion service to consecrate the Sacred Hosts.

Where do Catholic Fathers confess?

Anywhere, to another priest.

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Yes, because those who cannot recieve communion because they are not confirmed can get a blessing, and I know many people who are not Catholic that have been blessed by a Catholic priest.

What happens if you accidentally take Communion before First Communion?

Roman Catholic AnswerIf you accidentally receive Holy Communion before your First Holy Communion, then you better accidentally talk to a priest ASAP and accidentally receive First Confession.

Is there a priest at Holy Communion?

Roman Catholic AnswerOnly a priest or a Bishop can confect the Eucharist.

Can a catholic priest refuse anyone communion?

Yes, a Catholic priest can refuse someone communion under certain circumstances. The Catholic Church teaches that those who are in a state of mortal sin or who have not received the Sacrament of Reconciliation should not receive communion. Additionally, a priest may withhold communion if there are public scandals or controversies involving the individual in question.

Is the Communion reflection the same as the Prayer after Communion?

Catholic AnswerNo, the Prayer after Holy Communion is in the Missal. The Communion "reflection" is something that the priest is making up.

Who can distribute communion in the catholic church?

A bishop, priest, deacon, or Eucharistic minister.

What are the conditions before a person may receive Holy Communion?

You need to be baptized Catholic, and have made your first Holy Communion, you need to be in a state of grace, otherwise, you need to go to confession before receiving Holy Communion. You must be fasting for one hour prior to receiving Holy Communion. If divorced, you need to get an annulment before attempting marriage again. If married, you need to be married before a Catholic priest, or dispensed from such by your Bishop.

Who do you need to tell your sins to in a Roman Catholic ritual of confession?

In the Roman Catholic sacrament of confession, you confess your sins to a priest.

Can a Catholic receive Holy Communion when he arrives a little time before Holy Communion is distributed?

A priest from our parish said that one must be there at least in time for the Our Father to receive Holy Communion, but, in reality, you probably won't be denied Holy Communion if you arrived after the Our Father. Although you should not really even approach to receive if you are that late. If you have arrived that late, and it is a Sunday, you must either attend another Mass to fulfill your obligation or confess before receiving Holy Communion, as it is a mortal sin to miss a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation Mass.