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No. Eukaryotes (protists, plants, animals) are an animal cell. A prokaryotic cell just live. They don't feel or see anything. That's why we get sick. They're just trying to survive.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Neither, both plant and animal cells are eukaryote cells. Prokaryote cells are bacteria and the like.

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11y ago

no. the animal kingdom is eukaryotic celled. that means it has a nucleus

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12y ago

no because animal cell do not have those organelles which have a prokaryotic cell. and animal cell is a eukaryotic cell

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10y ago

Animal cells are eukaryotic (which means new nut) as they have a membrane bound nucleus. Prokaryotes do not and they are bacteria. The term means "before the nut" as they are older.

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Q: Does a animal cell have a prokaryotic?
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Plant cells and prokaryotic cells have a cell wall while animal cells do not

Is a prokryotic cell an animal cell?

No, eukaryotic cells are animal cells. Prokaryotic cells are of much simpler, singe cell organisms such as protists.

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Is a animal cell a prokaryotic cell or eukaryote cell?

All animal cells are eukaryote. A membrane bound nucleus and many membrane bound organelles.

How would you decide if a cell was animal plant prokaryotic?

If a cell does not have a nucleus, then it is a prokaryote. If a eukaryotic cell has chloroplasts, then it is a plant or algal cell. If a cell has a nucleus but no chloroplasts, then it could be an animal cell.

How you would decide if a cell was animal plant or prokaryotic?

If a cell does not have a nucleus, then it is a prokaryote. If a eukaryotic cell has chloroplasts, then it is a plant or algal cell. If a cell has a nucleus but no chloroplasts, then it could be an animal cell.

Which do animal cells not have a mitochondria chloroplasts a nucleus or a cell membrane?

All animal cells have a nucleus and mitochondria. The cell you are describing is a prokaryotic cell, such as a bacterium.

Is E. coli a plant or an animal cell?

E.coli is a prokaryotic cell that lives in the colon of human being.

Is prokaryote or eukaryote a bacteria or plant cell or animal cell?

Bacteria have prokaryotic cells.Plants and animals are eukaryotic.

What pinches a dividing prokaryotic cell into two cells?

Animal cells

Would ribosomes be found in a animal cell?

Yes ribosomes are found in animal cell their are small in size and almost 50 in number.Ribosomes are found in the eukaryotic and also present in the prokaryotic but in prokaryotic their are large in size and 1 in number.

Is prokaryotic found in animal or plant cells?

A prokaryotic cell does not possess a membrane bound nucleus. It is type of cell! It is not found IN any cell. Bacterial cells are prokayotic cells. Fungi, animal, and plant cells are eukaryotic cells