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A parent must obey the child support order. A custodial parent may be serving in the military with the child under temporary guardianship. That is no reason to stop paying child support. If the child isn't living with the custodial parent who is receiving child support the matter must be brought before the court.

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Q: Does a father need to pay child support to the mother if the child does not live with her?
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If a mother gets child support from the child's father and the child begins to live on their own before the child support ends does the child get the child support or the mother still?

It depends on the state you live in and the age of the child.

Does father have to pay child support to mother if the 16yr girl decides to live with mother exclusively?

yes, he always should pay child support because she is his child.

Can a mother who is being diagnosed with bipolar disorder be forced to pay child support?

The only way a mother can be forced to pay child support in any state, is if she does not have primary custody of the child. If the child or children live primarily with the father, then the mother can be made to pay child support.

Can a mother ask support to the father of the child even they are not living together?

Yes child support is paid even when parents don't live together.

If a child is fifteen years old and decides to live with their father who has been sending child support to the mother before is the mother now legally bond to send the support to the father?

First, the child does not have the right to make that decision, so the mother is not obligate to send the money. Only a court can approve the child can live there, than reverse the order. see links below

If a woman is getting child support and the child goes to live with the father but the mother still has visitation does the father still pay child support?

In Missouri, after 30 days the support can stop, but in most states, a modification motion needs to be filed with the courts.

What if the mother of the child fied for child support in Georgia and the father lives in New york and he wanted to legitimize the child after the child support court order do He have to go to Georgia?

Yes. However, if the parents are not married the Georgia court will establish paternity legally in order to issue a child support order. If that's where the mother and child live and mother filed there, that court will have jurisdiction. The father should cooperate with the DNA testing to establish paternity.Yes. However, if the parents are not married the Georgia court will establish paternity legally in order to issue a child support order. If that's where the mother and child live and mother filed there, that court will have jurisdiction. The father should cooperate with the DNA testing to establish paternity.Yes. However, if the parents are not married the Georgia court will establish paternity legally in order to issue a child support order. If that's where the mother and child live and mother filed there, that court will have jurisdiction. The father should cooperate with the DNA testing to establish paternity.Yes. However, if the parents are not married the Georgia court will establish paternity legally in order to issue a child support order. If that's where the mother and child live and mother filed there, that court will have jurisdiction. The father should cooperate with the DNA testing to establish paternity.

The mother and one year old child live in Iowa the father not married leaves to live in Florida what happns with the child and can the mother get child support?

Research the child support laws for both states and find which state offers WHAT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST FOR THE CHILD. but remember if you go to the other state to sue for child support everytime you have to appear in court you will have to travel to that state.

If the custodial parent two children give one of the children back to the father does the father still have to pay child support for the one child that stayed with the mother or are they even?

No, the father has to pay child support for both children. Of course the child that decides to live with him will be treated as he/she were when you were both married, but the child you have will still continue to receive child support by law!

If your 17 yr old wants to live with her dad does he still have to pay child support to mother?

If the father is not living with the child and has some income other than public assistance, yes.

What action should be taken if mother wants her child to live with father but mother has full custody of 17 year old child?

The parents have to go back to court to file a modification of the custody order. They should also terminate any child support order that obligates the father to pay child support

What is the law for a father who live across country and does not pay child support and the mother and father have never been married?

The laws will vary state to state, but if paternity has been established by DNA test or a signed birth certificate and the father is not paying child support, the mother can take him to court for payment.