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No. Chlorine will break down on its own...eventually....but it will take days and days. (And your fish would be dead by then.) If you have a fish tank, you need to buy a bottle of dechlorinator - it is not expensive.

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Q: Does a fish tank fliter clean out chlorine?
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How do you clean a fish tank with grease in it and fish?

Scoop all your fishes to another tank or tub of water and clean the fish tank just as you would normally without the fish

How do you clean your fish tank on gaia online?

Your fish tank doesn't need to be cleaned. It's always clean.

How much cholorine do you put to a 5 gallon fish tank?

NONE! ZERO! NADA! Never put chlorine in your fish tank. You want to remove chlorine from your tap water before using it in your tank.

How can you clean clody water in a fish tank?

if you just bought the fish let the water in the bowl sit out for about 24hours before putting it in. But make sure that your water has no chlorine in it. NO tap water. If you use tap water you have to get water cleaning drops for the tank.

How can fish die while cleaning a tank?

depends on the size of the fish, there might not be enough oxigen in a small fish tank.

When do you clean and feed a fish?

You really dont clean a fish but you clean the tank and you clean that about once a week or every other week and you feed a fish everyday

What do you use to clean the pump or motor of a fish tank?

To clean the pump or motor of your fish tank, just rinse with water. If you use chemicals or soaps it will most likely kill the fish or damage it tremendously. just rinse it well with water and you will have a nice and clean pump for your fish tank.

How do you clean a dwarf frogs tank?

You take him out into a ziplock container with water and clean it like a fish tank.

Can you reuse a fish tank if a fish died?

Yes but you would have to clean/scrub the tank out properly first.

What kind of fish will keep your tank clean?

There are a variety of fish that can keep a tank clean. The type of fish will depend on the type of aquarium setup. In a freshwater tank, different types of plecostomus are most common.

If you have two pet fish do you need a sucking fish so they can live?

It depends on how often you clean the tank. you dont need a sucker fish if you clean your tank alot. If you dont clean your tank that often then get one. you should talk to your local pet store for more information.

Can you put fish in a tank that had mice?

only if you clean it out